by Warren Nunn
How a sporting event brought people together In the era before modern transport and communication, local events such as dances and picnic race days were often the highlight of the year for rural communities. My maternal grandfather, Alex Dobbs, grew up in a small...
by Warren Nunn
By Warren Nunn In reflecting on growing-up years, it’s worth remembering those who influenced you and what they did and said that had a long-lasting effect. My Pop was the grandparent who touched my life in a real, tangible way. He was patient with a wilful,...
by Warren Nunn
Robert John Silver (1927-2016) was the son of my grandmother’s brother John, or Uncle Jack, as he was known. Rob fondly remembers his growing-up years and summer holiday visits to Boolburra with his parents and sisters Jean and Peg. Following are Rob...
by Warren Nunn
Tennis was a great outlet for my grandparents and their small community at Boolburra. My grandfather, Alex Dobbs, set up a court near the house and it was still in use, although a little worse for wear, in the early 1970s. The following report of a “tennis...
by Warren Nunn
A cursory look at this satellite view should make it obvious there were many challenges for those trying to make a living from the land in the Boolburra district west of Rockhampton, Queensland. While some of the river-front land offered opportunity for crops and...