Tennis was a great outlet for my grandparents and their small community at Boolburra.
My grandfather, Alex Dobbs, set up a court near the house and it was still in use, although a little worse for wear, in the early 1970s.

Alex “Pop” Dobbs at a tennis court. This is not at Boolburra. The insert image was most likely taken at the Smith family property. My grandparents, Alex and Bella Dobbs are at left. The other couple are most likely Mr and Mrs David Smith.
The following report of a “tennis party” at Boolburra in 1951 underscores how it was embraced by those in the district.
Tennis parties are always popular and many have been staged recently on various private courts. One of the most interesting matches was played on Mr A. Dobbs’ court at Boolburra, between Mr D. Smith’s Riversleigh team and a team selected by Mr Dobbs. Play continued throughout the day. Many sets were closely contested and though Mr Smith’s team won by 11 sets to eight, only 11 games separated the teams at the close of play. Source: Central Queensland Herald (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1930 – 1956), Thursday 30 August 1951, page 23
The Smith family also hosted matches at their property as did the Kajewskis.
There is a report the following year of another match at Boolburra.
A team of tennis enthusiasts from Rockhampton visited Boolburra recently for a match on Mr Dobbs’ court. The visitors were no match for the local players, who defeated them by 23 sets to one. Source: Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 – 1954), Monday 13 October 1952, page 2
I reckon the images tell a great deal about how much neighbours enjoyed themselves in what was a gentler, less complicated time.