Percy Nunn, a Suffolk cousin and friend

When I first went to Suffolk, England, in 1998, I met a distant cousin named Percy Nunn. I was just starting to trace my Suffolk connections and, when I reached Chevington and started asking after anyone with the Nunn surname, I was directed to Percy’s place in...

Research deaths/burials

NOTE to the reader: The following Nunn-related information comes from various sources including (mostly) my research and that of other generous individuals who have spent countless hours and dollars digging up the past. In some cases I have viewed the original parish...

Research births/baptisms

NOTE to the reader: The following Nunn-related information comes from various sources including (mostly) my research and that of other generous individuals who have spent countless hours and dollars digging up the past. In some cases I have viewed the original parish...

Research marriages

NOTE to the reader: The following Nunn-related information comes from various sources including (mostly) my research and that of other generous individuals who have spent countless hours and dollars digging up the past. In some cases I have viewed the original parish...

Thomas Nunn (1656 – unknown)

Thomas Nunn and Elizabeth Clark hold the key to the Nunn families at the neighbouring Suffolk villages of Chevington and Hargrave. More research needs to be done, but I have established they had at least four children. At least two were born at Brockley and one a few...