Written by Elizabeth Helen Dobbs (who was known as Nellie) to her first cousin Alex whom her parents adopted. The Grannie to whom she refers is her husband’s mother.

Box 4
5th Nov. 1953
Dear Alex & Belle,
We all thank you very much for the telegram of sympathy which we received at the Funeral Parlour. Poor old Grannie, it’s hard to realise she is really gone, but, at the last, she did not suffer as Dr gave her a couple of needles but, before that was very restless & contrary. Of course, didn’t know what she was doing. Eliza was down in town all the time from the Sat. after we took her down.
Dolly went down on the Sat. week before she died & Ted & Charlie were there for a week before. I went down on the Tues. morning & we were all at the hospital except Eliza when she passed away on Tues. night.
Have you had much rain? Hilda & I went down last Friday but it did not look as tho’ you’d had very much. We had some light rain over a week ago & last Sat. afternoon had a bit of a storm but only got 24 pts of rain out of it. I hope this finds you all well. Reg has had chicken pox since he went to see the doctor but seems to be fairly good now. The boys are working on a dam at Caledonia. They had to pump the water out of  it last Thurs & Friday.
Doris & Frank are to come up to Brisbane today as Frank has to go into Greenslopes for a check up. She says she may be able to get up to see us if he’s in there for long. Reg & Ted have been doing some ploughing getting ready for set some more grass. Ted had sorghum & Sudan grass & cut it & made hay which they have been chaffing up for the cows. We have three Jerseys milking & they have kept us all in milk. Now there is a green shoot in the grass they have come on again. We are all fairly well so hope all are O.K. down there will close with love from all.
Your loving sister
P.S. When we were in town we went & looked at Mum’s grave. It has sunk down now & I think would be ready to have something done to it. Let me know what you think. Nellie.