This letter is from James Silver to his daughter, Bella.
19 White St, Toowoomba, 13/2/47
Dear Bella and all,
How are you all in this time of this great rain? I have been watching the rain fall but so far I have not seen any cause for you to have to shift in the papers. So far you seem to be like us – away from the heavy rains. We have nice rains but nothing to what they had had on the coast, especially down Brisbane and the border. We have been very lucky only the wind has been very strong but I have heard of no damage and it is still raining here and has been ever since last Thursday. We just got home from Brisbane on the Monday and had good weather all the time. We was only three days away and expected to see you but Phil told us that she thought Peg was too and that way you was left out but with the weather as it has been, it may just as well you did not come down. They had a very nice, quiet wedding, not so many as there was at Jean’s but a nice few and everything went off so nicely. She got a nice lot of presents, some nice ones I give her four pounds. Eva gave her a nice box. They went down to the south coast for their honeymoon but they had had terrible time. Got that I don’t know when they will get back to Cairns if this weather keeps on. Well, Bella, I got the tobacco all right; many thanks. Only thing, I did not get the account; there has been a rise in the price however I am forwarding on 25 shillings which should cover all costs; it was just the thing I like. I also got the calendar; many thanks, it is very nice. I suppose you will soon be on the way to Mavis; how is she keeping? I hope you will get a dry trip and not get into floods for at present one is not sure when you get into one of them. I saw Mrs Connley, Phil’s sister, at the marriage; she was asking very kindly after you, she said she had a letter from you and she looked very well. They have had a bad time; lost a lot of their stock. This has been a terrible time all over the world. Are they not have their troubles at home, it must be bad; no light, no coals and so cold weather and very little food; we should not complain here. The only thing her is less work and more pay. Well, I hope you are all well, the cows should be doing well now and the feed plentiful. Well, we are all well, and still in the same quarters; we thought we would be in the new home soon but we are back to where we were. The powers below has been looking it up and find that price put on it some time ago and the price now shows signs of black marketing and will not pass it so we do not know how it will go. George is all right, the seller is the one that may get into trouble. Oh, well, I think I have given you all the news,we are anxious to know how you are in the flood. Alex will have a wet time after the cows and the yard will be no treat, so remember me to all the youngsters, also Alex, not forgetting yourself. From all at Toowoomba.
From your loving dad,
James Silver