This letter is from James Silver to his daughter, Bella.
Burnside Whitmore St Taringa SW1 27/9/39 (Written the month after Janet died)
My Dear Bell and all,
How are you all getting on, I hope you are all in good health and got over your colds? I don’t know how you folks are but we still have a hint of cold weather here yet. We are all well down here. Mr Schaumburg is getting on well and will soon be able to go under the operation. He was in a bad way when he came down and the Dr told him that if he had been a day or two longer, it would have gone hard with him. But he is improving well. He was too long in coming down. Mrs S. is still here, may not go away until Jack gets better. Well, Bella, Jack and I went over to the crematorium last Sunday and saw that everything was fixed up all right and it was lovely. Such a heaven to rest until called on overlooking the city of Brisbane everything so well prepared and clean and tidy. She has her little niche in the wall with the casket and that is sealed with a bronze plate and there is inscribed on it, Janet Silver, died 19th August, 1939, aged 75 years. And that is all that remains of our dear mother but the sweet memory will ever be remembered by us all. Yes, Bella, I miss her but the family she gave me will help me to bear the cross and lighten the few years I have left to run. Well, I was glad you got the box and parcel up all safe. No Bella, I asked the price per goods and also by passenger rates and there was so little between them that I said by passenger. I thought you would get it soon but look Bella, I’m in no hurry for it. I am not in want of it, it will do when you are more flush. Re Jim’s barrow, they told me about it after I had all the box done up and it was impossible for me to get it in but if I can find some way of sending it along, I will do so. Well, I have had no luck with a tenant for the house. I will put it into an agent’s hand, they may get one. No doubt this war will make things bad; I do not know how long it will last but there will not be much of Germany left for Hitler; all the countries are up against him; even Russia seems to be not too sure of him. I had a letter from Eva she seems settled down having an easy time. No I think that is about all my news for the present. I feel fairly well and quite comfortable just doing a little gardening and odd jobs. Well, give my love to all the little ones and give Jim and extra kiss. Remember me to Alex with kindest regards to you all from your affectionate Dad.