Written by Reece Duffy to Alex Dobbs. The wedding reference is to the marriage of Gordon Nunn and June Dobbs.

78 Park Avenue
Dear Alex,
Your letter with cheque arrive last week, & many thanks for same. Sorry we were unable to get round for a looksee at the wedding. Buy you see I am in hospital. Come here Tues week. Last Sat was the Sunday school picnic & the nips had been looking forward to it for weeks so Dorry had to take them. The Sat night was visiting night up here & of course she had to be in that. However we all wish June the best of everything & when I get settled down at home again we shall send along some little thing to remember us by. I came in here with terrific stomach pains & both Skyring & the Dr here suspected a stone in the kidney. However the two Xray tests have failed to any & I am hoping to get home soon. I also have a trace of sugar in blood (first steps towards diabetes) but the blood test last week was not satisfactory & Dr said he would like me to have another. If it shows up much I shall have to come back to hospital for insulin treatment. However I think I will wait for a couple of weeks as I can’t afford to have too much time off at once. Will send also receipt when I get out. This is about all for now. Kind regards to all.
Yrs Sincerely,
R Duffy