Burials in Chevington, Suffolk, England

(Note this is a rough transcription and WILL contain spelling mistakes and incorrect names and dates. Use as a guide and confirm from your own sources).

Buryalles anno d’ni 1559
Imp’mis Ellen BROWNE the wyfe of Wyll’m BROWNE was buryed the tenth daie of August.
It’ Thomas WEBBE was buryed the xxth daye of Septembr
It’ Rychard BOCKENELL was buryed the vjth daye of March
It’ Edmund POCHER was buryed the xiiijth day of Apryll
It’ Amye FLETCHER the daugher of John FLETCHER was buried the fyith daye of May.
It’ Clemens WRIGHT the wyfe of John WRIGHT was buried the two and twentyth daye of Maye
It’ Thomas HALLES (whoe was slayne with a cart falinge upon him) was buried the first daie of August.
It’ Ellen HAMLENTON widow was buried the second daye of December
It’ Thomas TODDE (a pore yonge man) was buried the eight daye of the same moneth of December
It’ Margery PAMAN (a mayde) was buried xxiiijth die Novembris
It’ Thomas Thomas BOYDON was buried the fourth daye of June
It’ Jane CHAPMAN (the daughter of Will’m CHAPMAN) was buryed the Seaventeenth daie of June
It’ Thomas FYAHER (senex?) was buried the xxth day of August
It’ John BRYDGE was buried the xxvjth daie of November
It’ Ellenor BRYDGE (the wyfe of Will’m BRYDGE) was buried the eight and twentyh daie of November
It’ Thomas STURGEON (senex) was buried, primo die Januarij
Apr. 25 Elizabeth CADGE daughter of Will’m CADGE
May 16 Rob’t LYNGE (senex)
Nov. 24 Robert SPARROW the sonne of Leonard SPAR
Aug. 4 Elizabeth EDGELEY the wife of Will’m EDGELEY
Nov. 18 Thomas TALBOT the sonne of Thomas TALBOT
Feb. 20 Thomasyn MUSSELL (a mayde)
July 31 John OSTLER, the son of Will’m OSTLER
Aug. 9 Alyce FROST
Jan. 26 Jone WEBBE the daughter of Edward WEBBE
Feb. 26 Ambrose STONE the sone of Ambrose STONE
Mch. 28 Rose SPARROW the daughter of Will’m SPARROW
Apr. 6 Robert PAMAN the sonne of deafe John PAMAN
July 6 Henry TUNOR the sonne of Robert TURNOR
Sep. 6 Thomas PEYTON
Mch. 16 Mary PAMAN the wyfe of Will’m PAMAN
June 24 Rychard PAMAN the sonne of John PAMAN
Oct. 3 Margaret WEBBE widow
Feb. 20 Audrye BARNARD the daughter of Thomas BARNARD
Nov. 28 John GOSHAWKE the sonne of Thomas GOSHAWKE
1569 not any this yeare
May 26 Anne PAMAN the wyfe of deafe John PAMAN
Nov. 1 Anne SPARROW the wyfe of George SPARROW
Jan. 28 Praxsede PAMAN the daughter of George PAMAN
Feb. 17 Martyn PAMAN the sonne of Thom’s PAMAN
Oct. 5 Chystofer TALBOT the sonne of Thomas TALBOT
Nov. 10 Johane FYSHER widow
Feb. 18 Thomas LADYMAN
Apr. 2 Margaret GOODAYE the daugher of Robert GOODAYE
May 27 John NORMAN sonne of John NORMAN
Aug. 28 John PAMAN senr
Sep. 16 Chystofer EDGELEY the sonne of Will’m EDGELEY
Nov. 1 Frances MAYHEW the daughter of [blan] MAYHEW of Horningsherth
Dec. 20 Anne SAYE the wyfe of John SAYE of Some
July 21 Edmun’d WYMARKE sonne of John WYMARKE
Feb. 10 Thom’s BARNARD sonne of Thom’s BARNARD
Apr. 28 Parnell EDGELEY wyfe of Will’m EDGELEY
May 1 Elisabeth DYSBOROW daugher of Anthony DYSBOROW
Sep. 10 Margaret PAMAN daugher of Robert PAMAN
Oct. 22 Rose FLETCHER wyfe of John FLETCHER
Jan. 18 Margaret WYMARKE wyfe of John WYMARKE
July 29  Marryon GOODAY widow
Oct. 23 Rose GOSHAWKE
Apr. 28 Will’m OCKLEY
May 12 Gyles LYNGE sonne of John LYNGE
June 6 Maude FYRMYN wife of Edmun’d FYRMYN
Aug. 11 Edmund PERY the sonne of Kateryn PERY the sonne of Edmun’d POCHER (as she sayth)
Nov. 27 Will’m EDGELEY (senex)
June 15 Marryon PAMAN daughter of John PAMAN
Feb. 2 Margaret NORMAN wyfe of John NORMAN
May 2 Rose SPARROW the daughter of GEORGE SPARROW
June 28 Henry PAMAN (senex)
July 1 John PAMAN
Sep. 6 Robert TURNOR the sonne of Robert TURNOR
Sep. 7 John WYMARKE the sonne of John WYMARKE
Jan. 16 Edmund MOSSE the sonne of Myles MOSSE
Feb. 4 Edward PAMAN
Feb. 20 Thomas SANTY the sonne of Thomas SANTY
Apr. 13 Edmund PAMAN
June 16 Anne ROSE wyfe of Edward ROSE
July 3 Rob’t TALBOT soane of Rob’t TALBOT
Nov. 24 John Langley CLARKE and parson of the parish church of Chevington
Jan. 29 Amye WEBBE wyfe of Edward WEBBE
Mch. 14 Robert PAMAN
Nov. 1 Thomas GOSHAWKE
Nov. 22 Will’m CHAPMAN
Apr. 7 John TALBOT the sonne of Rob’t TALBOT
June 1 Wyll’m UNDERWOOD
June 6 Elizabeth RUSSELL the wyfe of Henry RUSSELL
Juen 25 Elizabeth PETYT the daughter of John PETYT
Dec. 5 Agnes PAMAN widow
Aug. 29 Mary CHAPMAN the daughter of Will’m CHAPMAN late deceased
Oct. 10 Will’m PETYTT
Dec. 9 Rose GOODAYE the wyfe of Rob’t GOODAYE
Jan. 13 John GOODAYE
Apr. 14 Parnell PAMAN widow
Nov. 20 John BARNARD the sonne of Thos BARNARD
Jan. 8 Rob’t NORMAN late of Eweswell
Dec. 13 Susan MOSSE the wyfe of Myles MOSSE
Jan. 27 Will’m SPARROW
Feb. 18 Agnes HEADLOND the daughter of Rychard HEADLOND
June 8 Margaret FLETCHER the wyfe of John FLETCHER
Dec. 27 Elizabeth MOSSE the daughter of Henry MOSSE
Mch. 12 Johane GOSHAWKE the daughter of Tho: GOSHAWKE
June 10 John CLARKE al’s WEBBE
June 13 Maryon GOODAY the wyfe of Rob’t GOODAYE
Aug. 4 Will’m NORMAN
June 26 Martha BARKER
Oct. 20 Alyce SPARROW the wyfe of Thomas SPARROW
Nov. 4 Will’m FROST the sonne of Rose FROST (al’s the sonne of the people)
Dec. 31 Margaret PAMAN the wyfe of Thom’s PAMAN
Feb. 16 Anne DRAKELAND ye daughter of Henry DRAKELAND
Feb. 21 Kateryn PAMAN the wyfe of George PAMAN
Mch. 26 Elizabeth NORMAN widow
June 2 Betrice SMYTH the wyfe of John SMYTH & daughter of Elizabeth NORMAN late deceased
Oct. 21 Isabell GOODAYE wydow, late wife of John GOODAYE
Feb. 10 Martha TALBOT the daughter of Robert TALBOT
Oct. 27 Elizabeth CATTYWARD
June 27 Myles FYRMYN the sonne of Edmund FYRMYN
July 7 John SPARROW the sonne of George SPARROW
July 10 Edmund FYRMYN the elder
Sep. 7 Thomas MAYHEW
Jan. 11 Chystofer HASELL the sonne of Henry HASSELL of Bury
Apr. 4 Isabell BARNES the daugher of Nicholas BARNES
Oct. 17 Kateryn DYSBOROW the daughter of Anthony DYSBOROW
Jan. 23 Mary FYRMYN the daughter of Edmund FYRMYN
Feb. 2 Mary NORMAN the daugher of Will’m NORMAN late deceased
Feb. 4 Anne BALLARD the daugher of Rob’t BALLARD
Dec. 4 Edmund HARVYE the sonne of John HARVYE of Ickworth esquier
July 3 Rebecca TROWTON the wyfe of Thomas TROWTON
July 22 Mary PAMAN widow (late wyfe of Henry PAMAN at the Colledge deceased)
Feb. 13 Robert FROST
Apr. 23 Anthony DYSBOROW
June 16 Davyd TALBOT the sonne of Rob’t TALBOT
July 14 Mary FYRMYN the daughter of Edmund FYRMYN
July 21 Ellen FYRMYN the daughter of Edmund FYRMYN
Nov. 18 Martyn PAMAN the sonne of Martyn PAMAN
Nov. 19 Will’m WYMARKE
Mch. 6 It’s John RUSY of Bury was drowned the iiijth daie of March by mysadventure, viz. by fallinge owt of a boate into ye moate belonging to Chevington Hall
Mch. 10 Will’m SPENCER the sonne of Rychard SPENCER
Apr. 17 Ellen GOODAIE the wyfe of John GOODAIE thelder at Horsepoole
May 7 Elizabeth GARRARD the daughter of Will’m GARRARD of Bornye in com’ Buckingh’m esquier
Aug. 6 Edmund BARKER
Oct. 19 Will’m PAVYS the sonne of Rychard PAVYS
Dec. 25 Margaret NORMAN
Apr. 13 Johane MUN’INGES
Apr. 12 Alyce STANTON
May 11 Alyce WYMARKE the daughter of Henry WYMARKE
May 13 Rychard HEADLOND
May 20 John WELH’M
Sep. 6 Will’m ROOKES the sonne of Will’m ROOKES gent
Feb. 23 John BOLDERO the sonne of George BOLDERO of Bury gent
Apr. 16 Caleb SMYTH the sonne of John SMYTH
Aug. 4 Myldred SPENCER the wyfe of Henry SPENCER
Dec. 18 Kateryn CHAPMAN wydow (one of the inhabitantes of Chetburgh)
Feb. 17 Edward ROSE
June 5 Rose PAMAN wydowe
Oct. 6 John GOODAY at Horsepoole (sonne of John GOODAY at the Motte)
Jan. 10 Mary BALDWYN the daughter of James BALDWYN
Jan. 28 Susan CROFTES the daughter of Francis CROFTES esquyer
Dec. 7 Lyddia PATTELL
Dec. 25 Elisabeth TALBOT the wyfe of Robert TALBOT
Mch. 14 Margery GOODAYE the wyfe of Robert GOODAYE
May 22 Frances NORMAN the daugher of Rob’t NORMAN & Margaret his wyfe
July 17 Edmund BLOME servant under John OVEREAD
July 21 Thomas FARTHING (a stranger)
July 28 James BANISTER the sonne of James BANISTER
Aug. 16 Margaret GOODAYE the wyfe of Anthony GOODAYE
Dec. 31 Margery STONE widow
Mch. 23 Edmund TALBOT the sonne of Edmund TALBOT
May 7 Robert PAMAN the sonne of Reighnold PAMAN
Oct. 9 Anthony GOODAY
Sep. 7 Jasper ANSYIL al’s KNOCKE
Jan. 3 John LYNGE was buryed the third daye of January a’o d’ni (s’d’d’m computaco’o’em Eccl’ie Anglicane) 1607
1608 nl
Aug. 12 Sara WYMARKE the daughter of Henry WYMARKE
Dec. 29 George SPARROW
Jan. 22 Anthony FARTHINGE
Feb. 6 Johane TROWTON the wife of Thomas TROWTON
Aug. 1 Elizabeth GARRARD the wife of John GARRARD
Aug. 9 Cicilie CRICKE the wife of Edmu’d CRICKE
Sep. 28 Margaret SPARROW the daughter of George SPARROW
Dec. 29 Agnes LYNGE wydow
Mch. 10 James PAMAN the sonne of Gyles PAMAN
May 3 Etheldred FYRMYN the wyfe of John FYRMYN
Oct. 4 Will’m LAWRENCE
Dec. 24 Jane ANSYLL al’s KNOCKE widow
Jan. 20 Brigid ANSYLL al’s KNOCKE daughter of Edmu’d ANSILL al’s KNOCKE
June 16 John MAYHEW (the sonne of Thom’s MAYHEW deceaded)
July 2 Thomas BALDWYN
July 30 Katheryne HAYLOCKE the wife of Will’m HAYLOCKE
Oct. 13 Robert TALBOTT
May 26 Marian HAVELL
May 30 Henry PAMAN
June 22 Katheryn RUSSELLES
July 12 Edmu’d ANSILL
Oct. 14 Martyn TALBOTT
Nov. 20 Anne PETTIT
May 12 Rose BANISTER
Feb. 28 Betteryce PAMAN the wife of George PAMAN
Jan. 1 Thom’s TROWTON
July 20 Ellen CADMAN daughter of John CADMAN
Aug. 8 Robert SPARROW
Aug. 12 Will’m CADMAN
Aug. 18 Christian CADMAN widowe
Sep. 8 Judith GOODAYE wife of Will’m GOODAIE
Oct. 13 Martin PAMAN lately removed himself from this towne, to dwell in Denhm [who?] died there & was brought thence & buried in this towne
Mch. 2 Christofer GOODAIE
ch. 27 Sara CLERKE
Mch. 29 Giles PAMAN sonne of Giles PAMAN
Apr. 11 [blank] TROWTON widow
July 28 Richard SPENSER the elder
Nov. 29 Edmund FIRMYN
Jan. 6 Anne BARKER the daughter of John BARKER
Aug. 3 Will’m DAY the sonne of Robert DAY
Oct. 30 Edward PAMAN
Feb. 14 Robert GOODAY at Seberghes
Mch. 23 Margaret SPENSER widow
July 18 Thomas PAMAN
Apr. 26 [blank] HEADLOND widow
July 22 Robert SMYTH the sonne of Thom’s SMYTH
Aug. 6 Mary the daughter of John BARKER
Dec. 9 Thom’s DOWE the sonne of George DOWE
Dec. 11 George PAMAN
Feb. 11 Richard PAVYS
Apr. 14 Jone NORMAN widow
May 30 Anne GARDINER widow
Aug. 27 Will’m FROST
Nov. 3 Gregory PAMAN
Jan. 14 James BANISTER
May 29 Edmund GOODERICKE
July 30 Margery CAWSON the wife of Tymothy CAWSON
Aug. 29 John the sonne of John GOODAY at the Motte
Sep. 12 Symon NORMAN
Nov. 2 Christian the daughter of Joseph SPARROWE
Dec. 6 Samuell GOODERICKE
Jan. 13 Charles the sonne of John CADMAN
Feb. 14 Anne the wife of William JOHNSON
Apr. 22 Mary the daughter of [blank] PAVIS widow
May 10 Katherine PAMAN widowe
July 9 Henry RUSSELL
July 19 Mary BARBOR the wife of Nicholas BARBOR gent
Oct. 16 Margarett the daughter of John PITMAN of Rayden in ye County of Suff Sine-maker
Nov. 22 Elizabeth SPARROW the daughter of Joseph SPARROWE
Dec. 11 Rob’t GOODAY
Feb. 14 Will’m JOHNSON
Feb. 15 Clement PAMAN gent
Mch. 3 John the sonne of Nicholas BARBOR gent
Mch. 25 Sarah the daughter of Rob’t JOBSON
MAy 31 Brigid PAMAN widow the wife of Clement PAMAN gent late deceased
Dec. 18 John CADMAN
Feb. 26 Mary the wyfe of Rob’t JOBSON
Apr. 1 Thomas PAMAN the sonne of Rob’t PAMAN gent
Apr. 24 Brigid FIRMYN
June 22 Hellen GARRARD the daughter of John GARRARD
July 9 Christopher PRICKE the sonne of Christopher PRICKE
Aug. 9 Sibill ALLEN widowe
Dec. 1 Barbara BANISTER
Dec. 11 Christopher JOHNSON
Jan 6 Robert PRICKE the sonne of  Christopher PRICKE
Feb. 8 John GOODAIE at the Moate
Mch. 14 James TROWTON the sonne of Thom’s TROWTON
Mch. 17 William DAVYE
Apr. 10 William TEBOLD
Oct. 7 John HOWLETT
Dec. 2 Alice SPARROWE the wife of George SPARROWE
Sep. 7 Marie GARRARD the wife of John GARRARD
Dec. 24 Brigid WESTROPPE
Jan. 23 Joseph the sonne of Joseph SPARROWE
Mch. 7 Martin SPARROWE the sonne of George SPARROWE
Mch. 17 Elizabeth GOODAIE
May 1 John  the sonne of George SPARROWE
May 2 Edward LAST
May 2 Margarett JOBSON
June 2 Alice the wife of John HEYWARD
June 3 Dorothie SPARROWE
Nov. 8 Henry the sonne of Christofer PRICKE
Nov. 18 Augustine Underwood CLERKE (somtyme rector of this parish) dyed the xvjth
Feb. 10 Prudence the daughter of George SPARROW
Feb. 17 James the sonne of Christofer PRICKE
Mch. 20 Thomas the sonne of John HAYWARD
June 12 Margaret the daughter of Will’m UNDERWOODE
July 6 Mirable REVELL widow
Aug. 27 Will’m BANYSTER
Sep. 16 Rose the daughter of Ralph SEWELL
Feb. 29 Anthony SPARROW
Mch. 16 Mary  the daughter of Ralph SEWELL
Oct. 2 Timothy CAWSON
Oct. 16 Elizabeth RUSSELL widow
Feb. 19 John the sonne of Henry RUSSELL
Apr. 7 Elizabeth & Sarah SPARROW the daughters  of George SPARROW
June 21 Christofer PRICKE
Sep. 7 Mary the wife of John HAYWARD
Sep. 8 Susan the wife of Will’m DAVY
Jan. 26 Thomasine the wife of Thom’s TURNER the elder
Feb. 19 Elizabeth the wife of Thom’s RUMBELOWE
Apr. 7 Barnaby CUTTE
July 15 Thomas the sonne of Thomas TURNER
Aug. 12 Elizabeth the daughter of George SPARROW
Aug. 17 Rob’t HAYWARD
Nov. 19 John BARKER
Jan. 15 Christian TURNER the wife of Thom’s TURNER the yonger
Jan. 27 Mary the daughter of Rob’t PAMAN gent
Jan. 30 James COOKE dyed in this parish the xxviijth of January was buryed at Whepsted
Jan. 31 James PRICKE
Feb. 3 Christofer GOODAY
Mch. 13 Martha the daughter of Thom’s TURNER the yonger
Mch. 21 Margaret the onely daughter of Christofer PRICKE
May 30 Richard SPENSER
May 31 Thomas TURNER the elder
Aug. 13 Sarah RUMBELOW
Sep. 17 Joseph the sonne of Joseph SPARROW
Oct. 16 Augustine the sonne of George SPARROW
Oct. 21 Elizabeth GOODAY widow
Feb. 19 James WARE
June 20 Susan DANYELL
July 21 Thomas TROUGHTON
Rob’t CRYSTALL was buyed [blank]
Aug. 8 Sara PURDY
Nov. 16 Anne MASON widow
Jan. 13 John the sonne of Thomas TURNER
Apr. 1 Martha SMYTH
Apr. 23 Anthony the sonne of Joseph SPARROW
Oct. 15 Anne PAVYS widow
Jan. 22 Christian the daughter of George SPARROW
Jan. 2 Katherine PAMAN
Feb. 19 Rob’t the sonne of Thomas RUMBELOWE
Aug. 19 Margaret the wife of Will’m UNDERWOODE
Oct. 31 Simon the sonne of Rob’t KEMPE
Feb. 20 John GOODAY
Mch. 13 Margaret WARREN
May 18 Anne SCOTT
Aug. 27 Elizabeth DAVY
Jan. 7 Mary the wife of Edmund EDWARDES
Apr. 25 Giles PAMAN
May 19 Christopher the sonne of Rob’t PLUM’E
Sep. 22 Elisabeth the wife of John MUDD
Sep. 25 John MUDD
Sep. 26 Andrew FROST
Jan. 18 Margaret the daughtr of John PRICKE
Feb. 6 Christofer the sonne of John PRICKE
May 3 Prudence the wife of John GOODDAY
June 3 Susan SPENCER
June 7 Briget the daughtr of Ralph SEWELL
July 7 John the sonne of Samuell FLICKE (or PRICKE?)
Aug. 7 Susan SPENSER the daughtr of Richard SPENCER
Aug. 14 John OVERED
July [blank] John BAILY
Nov. 7 Jane TURNER
Feb. 9 Charles SHAW
Feb. 24 Edmund EDWARDES
Aug. [blank] John MOSSE
June 24 James SMITH
Feb. 21 Susan the wife of Edward LAST
Feb. 23 Charles the sonne of Charles SHAW
Feb. 27 Will’mn MANNINGE
Apr. [blank] Alice SPARROW of Wickham Brooke
July 2 Sarah the daught’ of Will’m HELLDER
Nov. 29 Barbary the daught’ of Will’m GOODDAY
June 6 John GARRARD
July 30 Will’m the sonne of Will’m KNOCKE
Aug. 18 Ralph SEWELL
Oct. 31 Prudence KNOCKE
Nov. 21 Anne PAMAN widdow
FEb. 3 Katherine UNDERWOOD widdow
Mch. 5 John LEGATE
Apr. 24 Elizabeth the daught’ of Samuell SPARROW
Aug. 31 Mary the daught’ of  George SPARROW
Sep. 1 Susan the daught’ of Jacob BELL
Nov. 8 John the sonne of John PAVIS
Jan. 8 Edward BLACKWELL
Apr. 26 John HAYWARD
Aug. 19 John GOODDAY
Feb. 9 Samuell the sonne of Will’m UNDERWOOD
Feb. 10 George SPARROW
Mch. 1 Will’m the sonne of Will’m GOODDAY
Mch. 16 Henry the sonne of Henry LAST
July 24 Rose BANISTER widdow
Nov. 18 Elizabeth the daught’ of Richard SMITH
Jan. 4 Dorothie the wife of John PRICKE
Apr. 17 Edmund the sonne of George PRICKE
June 19 Thomas COLLENSON
June 26 Mary the wife of John JOHNSON
July 10 Mary the daughter of Rob’t Underwood CLERKE
Apr. 21 John LINGE
May 18 Henry PAMAN
May 24 Mary KIRKE
July 6 Francis GOLDSMITH widdow
Sep. 22 John PRICKE
Oct. 3 Mary SPENCER
Nov. 11 Mary BUGGE widdow
Sep. 9 Bridgid COLLISON widdow
Feb. 1 Mary RUSSELL widow
May 19 Mary the wife of Will’m UNDERWOOD
May 20 Edward the sonne of Edw. LAST
Nov. 28 Thomas TURNER
Mch. 20 Mary the wife of Edw. DOW
Mch. 27 Mary LAST widow
Apr. 3 Margaret COE widow
July 2 Elizabeth STRUTTON
July 10 Dorothie SPARROW
July 28 Sarah the wife of Tho. RANSOM
Dec. 15 Rose PETTUWAT widow
Feb. 20 Joseph TURNER
Mch. 7 Will’m GOODDAY was buried
May 25 Anne SHEEPE
June 8 Rose JOHNSON
June 18 Will’m GOLDSMITH a child
Sep. 3 Thomas RANSOME
Sep. 27 Sarah PAVIS widow
Dec. 6 Mary WHITEHAND widdow
De.c 7 Will’m JOHNSON
Dec. 12 Edmund ANCELL alias KNOCKE
Feb. 18 Margaret PRICKE widdow
Feb. 21 Anne SHIP widow
Mch. 18 Christian the wife of Joseph SPARROW
Mch. 27 Anne the wife of Will’m PAMAN
May 30 Simon the sonne of Sim. PRICKE
Aug. 13 Thomas RUMBELLOW
Dec. 24 Katerine SHAW widdow
Jan. 18 Thomas TURNER
Feb. 23 [blank] PLUMME widdow
July 26 Joseph SPARROW
Aug. 18 Robert KEMPE
Aug. 19 Andria the wife of John PAVIS
Mch. 18 [blank] the wife of John LANGLY
Apr. 7 Robert PAMAN gent
May 4 Edward the sonne of Edw. LAST
May 29 Mary DAY widdow
June 8 Rose the daught’ of Rich. HENINGTON
Oct. 22 Mary the wife of Tho: SMYTH senr
Nov. 8 John WIMARKE
Jan. 21 Martha the daughtr of John SPARROW
Feb. 1 Will’m PRICKE
May 26 Elizabeth the daught’ of Jo. PRICKE
May 29 James PRICKE
May 30 Samuel PRICKE
June 7 Margaret ABBOT
June 8 Dorothie the daught’ of Rob’t PAMAN gent’
June 10 Margaret PRICKE widdow
Dec. 21 Joane KEMPE
Jan. 29 Christian MAYHEW
Apr. 10 John PAVIS
June 2 William PAMAN
Oct. 10 Will’m MUNNINGS gent’
Oct. 18 Richard HERRINGTON
Dec. 7 Mary SEWELL widddow
Dec. 15 Susan HAYWARD
Mch. 31 John the sonne of Rich. SMYTH
Apr. 25 Marke the sonne of Edw. LAST
June 11 Anne JOHNSON
Sep. 6 Robert ABBOT
Mch. 31 Thomas TROUGHTON
Dec. 11 Richard SMYTH
Feb. 8 Jacob BELL
May 14 John PRICKE
July 10 Elizabeth ABBOT
July 22 Samuell FLICK  gent.
Oct. 16 Mary the daught’ of John PLUMPTON
Feb. 8 Elizabeth MUNNINGS widow
Mch. 1 Thomas UNDERWOOD gent
Apr. 28 Edward LAST
Sep. 8 John MUD
Jan. 9 Edmund BAXTER
Jan. 24 Frances the wife of Richard ELIOT
Feb. 7 Thomas PAGE
May 30 Elizabeth TEBALD widow
June 19 Will’m CHAPLYNE gent’
June 24 Richard TARRY’
June 25 Bridget SPENCER
July 9 Elizabeth the daught’ of Edward PARKER
Nov. 23 Sarah TROUGHTON widow
June 23 Edward DOW
July 17 Hamlet the sonee of Hamlet PRIOR
Nov. 27 Bridget KNOCK widow
Jan. 15 [blank] SMITH widow
Jan. 30 Anne the daughter of John SPENCER
July 9 John the sonne of John SPARROW
July 21 John HIBBLE
Aug. 9 Mary the wife of Samuell HUNT
Aug. 23 Samuell HUNT his sonne
Aug. 30 Dinah the wife of Will’m KNOCK
Oct. 20 Anne the wife of John SPENCER
Mch. 23 Mary BELL widow
Mch. 26 Elias JOHNSON
May 6 Simon PRICK
Aug. 25 Will’m PRICK
Sep. 12 Em the wife of Will’m UNDERWOOD
Feb. 8 Thomas     SMITH jun’
July 14 Rachell CROSSE widow
Aug. 18 Thomas SMITH sen’
Nov. 28 Henry PAMAN
Dec. 17 Margaret the daught’ of Edward PARKER
May 18 Mary the daught’ of Mrs Elizabeth CHAPLYNE
June 12 Sarah the daught’ of Ambrose EVERED
Aug. 15 Elizabeth MUNNINGS widow
Aug. 24 James the sonne of Thomas HARRISON
Sep. 29 Elizabeth the daught’ of James FIRMYNE
Nov. 6 George PRICKE
Dec. 22 Robert PLUMME
Jan. 1 Mary the daught’ of Samuell HUNT
Mch. 20 Jane the wife of John BULBROOKE
Apr. 24 Robert ASBEE
May 28 Rob’t the sonne of Tho: HARRISON
June 13 Martha LEACH widow
Aug. 4 Alice PRICKE
Feb. 10 Elizabeth TURNER wid:
Feb. 11 Margaret the wife & Anne the daught’ of Edward PARKER
Feb. 16 Simon the sonne of Simon KEMPE
June 2 Isaack PRICKE
July 31 Georg PLUMPTON
Sep. 1 John LANGLEY
Dec. 7 John the sonne of Thomas HEMPSTED
Mch. 4 Elizabeth TURNER
May 15 John SPARROW
May 16 Mary GOODDAY
Aug. 3 Bunting HARRISON
Dec. 9 Mary the daught’ of Will’m PAMAN
Dec. 29 John the sonne of Rob’t HAYWARD
May 2 Rebeckah ASBEE widow
May 18 Alice PRICK widow
Sep. 24 [blank] PAGE widow
Nov. 2 Mary the wife of Henry EMERSON
Jan. 28 Mary the wife of Will’m LAWRENCE
Feb. 2 Robt’s ASBEE a child
Mch. 20 Mary the daught’ of Ambrose was buried the 20th day of March [sic]
Apr. 1 Will’m the sonne of Tho. HEMPSTED
Aug. 4 Anne ye daught’ of Simon KEMP
Oct. 21 John WRIGHT
July 6 Anne the wife of Mr John CRASK
Sep. 7 the wife of James FIRMYNE
Sep. 12 Georg ye sonne of Willm GATTIWARD
Oct. 5 Henry LAST
Nov. 3 John LANGLEY
Mch. 18 Mary SMYTH widow
May 22 Samuell PRAT
July 17 John the sonne of John SHIPPE
July 24 Rob’t the sonne of Rob’t TROUGTON
Aug. 22 Will’m LAWRENCE
Aug. 26 Margaret the wife of Thomas PRICK
Aug. 30 Sarah the wife of Richard REDGIN
Oct. 6 Mary the daught’ of Ralph SEWELL
Dec. 31 Daniell SHULVER
Jan. 1 Richard ALBORNE
Apr. 29 James the son’e of Thomas LAST
June 29 Edward the son’e of Arthur GOODCHILD
Sep. 7 Susan the wife of John SPARROW
Sep. 25 Ann PRICK widow
Oct. 1 Georg FROST
Nov. 25 Edward WIFFEN
Feb. 27 Sarah the daughter of John LAST
Mch. 22 Samuell FITCH
May 6 Anne WRIGHT widow
June 26 John SHIP
July 27 Mary the wife of John BUG
Aug. 1 Elizabeth the wife of John CLARKE
Aug. 16 Anthony the sonne of John SPARROW
Aug. 30 Rebeckah  the wife of John SMITH
Oct. 4 Will’m KNOCK alias ANSELL
Feb. 19 Mary SPARROW
Mch. 7 Elizabeth the wife of Edward PARKER
Apr. 4 John EMERSON
June 24 Abraham the sonne of John LAST
June 27 Mary the daughter of Ambrose EVERED
July 4 Elizabeth the wife of Will’m GOODDAY
Aug. 23 Susan TURNER
Sep. 4 Bridge the wife of Georg CATER
Sep. 10 Ralph SEWELL
Sep. 30 John SMITH
Dec. 25 Robert the sonne of Robert UNDERWOOD
Mch. 5 Mary the daughter of John BUG
July 8 Sarah the daughter of George CUTCHIE
Aug. 17 Jane PRIGGE widow
Sep. 7 Mary the daughter of Samuell WRIGHT
Sep. 8 Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas HEMPSTED
Feb. 6 Will’m GOODAY
Mch. 2 Mary the daughter of John CRASK
Mch. 28 Samuell WRIGHT
Mch. 31 Henry EDGLY
Apr. 21 John the sonne of John PRIGGE
May 18 Robert the sonne of Richard EDGLY
Aug. 3 Anne PLUMME widow
Sep. 25 Thomas PRAT
Feb. 18 Rose PERKIN widow
May 14 Joane KEMP widow
May 21 Mary SPARROW
May 29 William UNDERWOOD
July 26 Susan HIBBLE widow
Aug. 10 Ann MATCHETT
Oct. 11 Alice ye daughter of John PLUMPTON
Dec. 16 Thomas CHAPLIN gent
Jan. 16 Sarah daughter of Ambrose HAMMOND
Feb. 9 Robert son of Robert UNDERWOOD junr
Mch. 4 Robert SPARROW senr
July 27 Thomas HEMPSTEAD
Feb. 4 Alice SPARROW single woman
Mch. 14 Richard LAST
May 17 Elizabeth ABBOT
June 14 Anthony SPARROW
Aug. 4 Margarett EDGLY
Oct. 30 Mary CRACKNELL
Jan. 6 Prudence ye wife of John RICH sen’
July 9 The widdow WIFFEN
Sep. 5 Abraham son of Mr Abraham WRIGHT
Feb. 9 William PAMMANT
From ye year 1685 July 26 to ye year 1693 all burials testifyd as here inserted by me E.G.*
*This note crowded in at foot of the page by Mr. Grove.
Aug. 28 Mary ye wife of John CRASKE
Oct. 19 Thomas HARRISON
Nov. 29 Sarah EVERARD
Nov. 30 Henry EMERSON
Dec. 24 Rose HUNT
May 18 George PRICK
May 28 Mary PRIOR
June 2 Abraham UNDERWOOD
June 12 Henry WEBB
June 17 Elizabeth PLUMPTON
Jan. 2 William GOODAY
Jan. 26 Mr Robert Underwood CLERKE, rectr of this p’rish died Jan’ 24th & was buried ye 26th in ye 91st year of his age
Feb. 3 Elizabeth ye daughter of Robert BROOKE
Feb. 28 Margarett daughter of John FLETCHER
June 10 Jane ye wife of Thomas LAST
Aug. 5 Margarett ye wife of Richard EDGLY
Mch. 22 Bridgett ye wife of Robert KEMP
Apr. 7 Mr John     UNDERWOOD
June 15 Sarah ye wife of George CUTCHEY
Aug. 2 Rose daughter of John JACOB
Aug. 26 Alice ye wife of John SPARROW
Oct. 18 Simon KEMP sen’
Oct. 25 Mary ye wife of John PRIGG
Nov. 5 William PAMMANT
Nov. 4 The widdow PRICK
Nov. 17 Mr Abraham Underwood CLERKE rtr of this p’rish died No’br 15th & was buried NO’br 17.
Dec. 23 William PINDAR
Mch. 26 Abigall BALLS widdow
July 24 Robert PLUM
Nov. 8 Mrs Mary UNDERWOOD widd.
Nov. 16 Jeremiah ye son of John SMITH
Feb. 6 Mr John RICH senr
Feb. 17 Ann STEED ye wife of John STEED of Brockley
Mch. 14 Mrs Susanna  PHILLIPSON widd.
Apr. 2 Dorothy daughter of Thomas ABBOT
Apr. 19 Simon ye son William LAST
MAy 21 Elizabeth daughter of Xtopher LAST
Aug. 16 Widdow SPENCER
June 22 Martha ye wife John DEEKES
Oct. 23 Thomas LAST of Saxham Mag.
Nov. 26 Jane daughter of Thomas LAST of Saxham mAG:
Jan. 7 Dorcas PRATT widd.
Feb. 28 John ye son of Edward AMY
Feb. 9 Thomas ye son of John ABBOTT
Feb. 26 Edard AMYS
Mch. 25 Rose SPARROW daughter of Rose SPARROW widdow
Oct. 15 Mary daughter of John LAST
Nov. 24 Henry HOLLARD
Jan. 2 Mirabella daughter of Richard OSBOURN
Jan. 14 Mary ye wife of Edward BELL
Feb. 11 Esther PLUMB widdow
Aug. 18 Thomas Chaplin son of Mr Robert UNDERWOOD
Nov. 24 John HAYWARD son of Robert HAYWARD
Nov. 26 Mrs Elizabeth SPARROW widdow
Nov. 30 Simon WRIGHT
Nov. 30 Bridget ye wife of Henry MAYHEW
Dec. 29 Elizabeth ye wife of Mr William GATTYWARD of Depden
Feb. 19 Mr John RICH at ye Lodge
Apr. 20 Mary daughter of John BULL
Apr. 30 James FIRMIN
Aug. 21 Susan wife of John PRAT
Oct. 23 Elizabeth LING
Nov. 1 John DEEKES
Feb. 24 Judith wife of Samuel HUNT
Apr. 12 Ann daughter of Edward GROVE rector of this parish
Apr. 25 Dorcas daughter of John PRAT
Aug. 9 Rose SPARROW widdow
June 21 Lydia daughter of  John PRAT
Dec. 6 Mary SPARROW widdow
Oct. 26 Isaac son of Henry PLUMPTON of Depden
Feb. 21 Ann daughter of George KEMP
July 17 John LAST son of William LAST
Oct. 21 Mrs Elizabeth CHAPLIN widdow
Nov. 17 Robert SPARROW son of Isaack SPARROW
Dec. 14 Henry EMMERSON son of William EMMERSON
Feb. 29 Hannah ye wife of John PRIG
June 10 Stephen son of John PRIG
June 19 Elizabeth wife of William OSSAPHER
Sep. 14 Robert KEMP ye elder of Martins-Green
Jan. 3 Sarah wife of John GOODAY
Jan 22 Sarah MANN
Jan. 28 Dorothy PAMMANT widdow
Feb. 18 Alice FLECHER from Hargrave widdow
May 18 Hannah daughter of John DEEKES junior
Nov. 6 Robert HAYWARD the elder (being Churchwarden)
Mch. 13 Ann daughter of Edward GROVE rector of this parish
July 11 George KEMP
Dec. 22 Rose KEMP
Jan. 23 Henry MAYHUE
Mch. 8 Mary ye wife of John PLUMPTON
Mch. 12 Tryphena ye daughter of Edward BELL
July 14 Mary wife of Arthur BROOK
Aug. 27 Ann wife of John FLETCHER
Sep. 1 MArgarett daughter of Joseph AGER
Sep. 18 Samuell HUNT
Oct. 1 John SPARROW
Dec. 8 Ralph BLYES
Dec. 30 John PLUMPTON
Jan. 14 Sarah LAST widdow
Jan. 14 Mary daughter of Thomas ABBOTT
Apr. 14 Mary daughter of Robert LAST
June 13 William son of Edward MAN’ING
Jan. 18 Lucia daughter of Joseph CATER
Mch. 24 Elisabeth daughter of Ambrose HARRISON
Apr. 17 Isaac son of Isaac SPARROW from Horringheath
July 23 Mary daughter of Willm EMMERSON
Oct. 7 Bridget ANSEL, alias KNOCK widdow
Nov. 15 Mr BROOK
Mch. 2 Abigail wife of John DEEKES (the elder)
Apr. 13 Christian LAST widdow
Aug. 31 Robert TROUTON
Jan. 5 Mary daughter of John BULLBROOK
Feb. 7 Thomas son of John LIMMER
Mch. 16 Margaret and Sarah daughters of Edmund GIBBON
Apr. 30 James son of John GOODAY
June 2 Ambrose son of Mr George CATER
June 21 Ann KEMP of Horesepool-Farm widow
July 11 Wm son of Jno FLECHER
July 28 Willm GATTIWARD ye yonger from Depden
Mch. 11 Jnr PRICK from Depden
Sep. 14 Henry JOHNSON
Oct. 6 Nathaniel son of Joseph AGER
Dec. 17 Susan HAYWARD widow (of R.HAYWARD)
Feb. 16 George CATER (ye yonger) at ye Hall
Apr. 19 Elisabeth daughter of John ABBOT
June 3 Edward HEMSTONE
Juen 17 Charles son of Mr Robert UNDERWOOD
Aug. 4 Ann his wife of John BULLBROOKE
Oct. 20 Edward BELL
Oct. 20 John ADAMS
Nov. 19 Susanna wife of Robert BROOKE
Nov. 22 William LAST (ye elder)
Nov. 27 Joanna BROOKE widow
Dec. 27 Edward LAST
May 14 Thomas son of Thomas NUNN
May 16 Mrs Mercy BANGES widow
June 2 William son of John ABBOT
Aug. 4 Elisabeth daughter of Thomas FLACK
Aug. 11 Jane daughter of Isaac SPARROW
Dec. 6 Elisabeth daughter of Simon WRIGHT
Jan. 7 Edward MANING
Feb. 8 Lucia wife of Joseph CATER
Apr. 29 Mary daughter of John ELSDEN
May 31 James BAYLy (the elder)
June 16 John son of William GIPPS
Aug. 5 Mary wife of Joseph CATER
Aug. 29 Abraham STEPHENS
Oct. 15 John HEMSTONE (being church warden)
Dec. 13 Henry PLUMPTON senior from Ousden
Apr. 5 John PLUMPTON
June 3 Francis TAYLOR
Aug. 17 Elizabeth PRATT
Sep. 15 Susan wife of Henry PAGE
June 29 Margaret wife of Thomas PAMANT (from Ousden)
Sep. 19 Joseph PEIGHT
Nov. 5 James son of Joseph CATER
Nov. 10 Mary wife of Isaac SPARROW
Dec. 28 William CHAPLIN (senior) of Bury gent
Jan. 16 Elizabeth Grove daughter of Edward Grove CLERKE departed this life Jan: ye 13th & was interrd at Bury on ye 16 of ye same
Apr. 14 John HIBLE
Apr. 14 Margaret daughter of Timothy STORY
Apr. 18 Samuel son of Stephen HARRISON
Apr. 29 Philip NUNN (ye elder)
Apr. 29 Mary daughter of Timothy STORY
May 9 Hugoe son of Philip NUNN deceased
May 21 Srephen HARRISON
June 11 Elizabeth wife of Hugh PATTLE
June 14 Frances daughter of John BULLBROOKE
June 22 Thomas son of Elizabeth SALISBURY
Dec. 27 Isaac son of John ELSDEN
Feb. 13 John son of Roger ADAMS
Apr. 20 Sarah wife of Joseph CATER
July 25 Thomas son of John ABBOT
Sep. 7 Mary daughter of Nathaniel DOWSE
Juen 15 John PRATT (parish clerk)
July 13 Mr George CATER (of ye Hall)
July 13 Frances daughter of Edmund GIBBON
Aug. 2 Mrs Margaret TAYLOR widow
June 10 Mary daughter of Timothy STORY
June 18 Timothy STORY ye elder
July 22 John ABBOT
Oct. 24 John LAST
Jan. 25 Robert ABBOT
Apr. 26 Mary daughter of Nathaniel DOUSE
June 5 Daniel son of Daniel DOUSE
Nov. 30 Mary daughter of John ELSDEN
Feb. 14 Nathaniel DOUSE
Aug 22 Simon LAST
Aug. 24 Susan wife of Xtopher PRICK
Oct. 19 Magdelene wife of Jno ELSDEN
Oct. 19 Thomas his son
Oct. 26 Richard REGIN
Nov. 21 Ann HEMSTEAD widow
Feb. 15 Margaret wife of Mr Robert UNDERWOOD
Apr. 6 Margaret wife of Thomas PRICK
Aug. 22 Elisabeth wife of Ambrose HARRISON
Jan. 19 Ann PEIGHT widow
Mch. 19 Elisabeth wife of Philip NUNN
Apr. 11 Thomas son of Thomas DYSEN
Apr. 17 Susan wife of John ADDAMS
AMay 13 Thomas PRICK (being church warden)
June 25 Elisabeth wife of William GATTYWARD
Sep. 10 William GIBBS
Sep. 23 Elisabeth wife of John WYMARK
Jan. 8 Isaac SPARROW
June 22 Thomas FLACK
Oct. 23 John BULL (the elder)
Dec. 29 Mary daughter of Thomas PRIGG
Jan. 20 Alice daughter of Thomas NUNN
Jan. 29 Charles son of John BROOKE
May 16 William son of William CHAPLIN gent.
Edward GROVE gent: only son of Edward GROVE rector of this parish aged 23 years 10 months & 15 days} June ye 5th/6th
Elisabeth GROVE daughter of Edward GROVE rector of this parish removed from Bury where she was interrd Jan: ye 16 1713 } Die codem
June 12 Mr William GATTYWARD
July 5 Mary daughter of George KEMP
July 14 John son of Thomas PRIGG
July 27 Dorothy wife of Thomas ABBOT
Nov. 13 Mary wife of [blank] SMITH
Nov. 26 Sarah daughter of Edmund PETIT
Feb. 10 Abraham son of John EMMERSON
Mch.4  Elisabeth daughter of John CLARK
Apr. 7 Joseph BULL
Apr. 13 Mary daughter of Benjamin BULLBROOK
June 3 Anne GROVE wife of Edward GROVE rector of this parish aged [blank]
June 28 Martha LAST widow
July 16 Mary wife of Stephen ADDAMS
Sep. 29 William son of William CATER
Jan. 4 Robert LAST
Mch. 26 Mary daughter of William COOKE
May 1 Lucia daughter of Joseph CATER
Sep. 2 Ann PEIGHT
Feb. 21 John SPARROW senr
Sep. 9 Titus SPARROW
Feb. 19 Thomas COPSEY
Feb. 26 Edward GROVE rectr of this parish
Apr. 23 John the son of Henry PAGE and Margaret his wife
June 17 Samuel COPSEY
July 19 Walter son of William and Ann PAIN
Sep. 5 Alice NUNN
Sep. 6 Stephen ADAMS senr
Sep. 16 Dorothy wife of Benjamin MILLER of Hargrave
Oct. 5 John DEEKES
Oct. 27 Christopher PRICK
Dec. 9 Samuel son of John and Mary BULLBROOK
Dec. 19 John GOODY
May 12 Widdow SPARROW
Aug. 7 Phiip NUNN
Sep. 3 Ambrose PRIGG wife
Sep. 27 Mary DOUSE
Sep. 30 Widdow DEEKES
Nov. 14 Goodman BULLBROOK
Jan. 14 James son of George SPARROW
Apr. 18 Elizabeth daughter of John and Susan SPARROW
Apr. 23 Mary PETTIT
sIGNED John Giles GIPPS, rectr, Willm Cater, George Arnold, church wardens. Thos Cook, Pet: Coll: Soc: Sequestrator
Burials 1729
Aug 7 Imprimis. Widdow Reggin
Aug 31 Thomas Nunn. Parish Clark
Nov 1 Julian son of Julian & Mary Sharp
Dec 14 Hannah daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Douse
Jan 4 Mary daughter of Edmund & Rebecca Pettit
Jan 30 Thomas son of John & Elizabeth Smith


May 2 Joseph Cater
May 31 John Steward son of John Giles Gipps Clerk & Sarah his wife
July 9 Mary Wife of Ambrose Ray
Oct 4 Thomas Prigg
Oct 11 Thomas Frost
Oct 20 Martha daughter of Philip Nunn
Oct 26 Widdow Prick from Debden
Mch 8 Mary daughter to William & Amy Cater
Mch 13 William Emmerson sen
Mch 16 Daniel Douse
Mch 18 Martha daughter of Widow Frost
Mch 18 George son of William Cook


Mch 25
Mary daughter of John & Margaret Prigg
Mch 29 Widdow Last
Aug 8 John Limmer
Sep 17 Mrs Elizabeth Underwood
Sep 29 Mary daughter of John Giles Gipps Clerk and Sarah his wife
Nov 22 Margaret Wright
Jan 5 Timothy son of William and Ann Pain


May 31 Imprinis. Elizabeth wife of Stephen Adams
Aug 31 Mary daughter of John & Susan Sparrow
Oct 19 Mary wife of John Prigg sen
Nov 24 May wife of John Brooke
Feb 11 Jane Prigg


June 28 Christopher Prick
Aug 19 John Prigg sen
Aug 26 Simon son of Simon and Elizabeth Kemp
Nov 6 John Giles Gipps Rect of ye Parish
Dec 25 Mary Goodday widow
Mch 13 Joseph Story


July 17 Edward Grove Sparrow infant
Aug 17 Mary Bulbrook widow
Sep 4 Susan Webb of Rede-Hall
Oct 15 Ambrose Prigg a child
Dec 21 William Cater an infant
Jan 19 Hannah Prigg


July 3 George Deer
Aug 14 Margaret the wife of Edward Burch rector of this parish
Oct 26 Catharine (altered from Katharin) the daughter of William Pain


July 19 Mary the daughter of SamuellWright
Sep 24 Frances daughter of Samuell Cornwell
Oct 12 Mary the wife of Rich’d Osborne
Feb 6 Susan Abbot widow
Feb 7 John Sparrow sen Parish Clerk


Apr 17 Mary daughter of Stephen Adams
Dec 3 Elizabeth daughter of John Sparrow Bech?? (altered from Nov ye 3rd. Entry interpolated but in the Mr Burch’s handwriting)
Sep 9 Edward Gibbon.
Nov 24 Thomas Abbott widower
Mch 16 Robert son of Joseph Ager and infant


Mch 30 Susan Sparrow of Little Saxham
May 31 Abraham Kemp
July 2 Ann Bull widow
July 9 Margaret the wife of Henry Page
Oct 2 Martha Ray widow
Oct 26 Sarah Deer widow of Saxham
Dec 9 Mary Nunn widow
Dec 28 Hanah (altered from another name) daughter of Jun Nunn junr
Jan 17 William Farrow
Feb 27 Mary daughter of Nathaniel Dowse
Mch 17 John son of John Sparrow Joyner an infant


July 23 John Son of John Sparrow an infant
Aug 11 Ann daughter of John Elliott an infant
Sep 13 Ambrose Harrison of Fornham All Sts
Nov 25 Alice Nunn a child
Jan 23 Abraham Slad Emmersen an infant
Jan 26 Mary Prigg an infant
Mch 6 Margaret Holland widow
Mch 18 Honour wife of Samuell Granger senr


Apr 21 Hanah wife of George Arnold
May 8 Giles Middleditch
May 11 Samuell Granger senr.
July 15 John son of Nathaniel Dowse
Dec 14 Mary daughter of William Pain
Jan 28 Mary wife of Henry Sharp
Feb 8 Mary daughter of John Elliot inf


Apr 2 William Cater
June 18 Ann Pettit inf
Nov 24 Samuell son of John Sparrow junr
Jan 1 Robert Brook
Feb 22 Honour wife of John Emmerson
Mch 24 John Kemp


Apr 2 Susan the base child of Susan Copsey
Apr 22 Grimmil? Last widow
May 24 Alice the daughter Samuell Cornwell infnt
June 25 Samuell Hockley
Aug 20 Thomas Holder
Sep 5 Elizabeth daughter of Samuell Granger
Sep 20 Samuell Granger
Dec 26 Margaret the wife of John Prigg
Jan 19 Walter son of Water Pain infant


Apr 8 Mary Emmerson widow
May 3 Elisabeth Limmer widow
Sep 1 Elisabeth Manning widow
Sep 22 Ann the wife of Mr John Underwood of Bury St Edmds
Jan 12 Mary the wife of William Barton


Apr 19 Ambrose Harrison
Apr 28 Roger Couzens
May 13 Elisabeth wife of John Smith
June 11 Mary wife of Benjamin Bulbrook
June 30 William son of Henry Page
July 13 Mary the wife of Thomas Haward
Nov 26 Daniel Sharp an infant
Dec 1 Thomas Haward an infant
Dec 20 John Chaplin of Sudbury
Jan 6 John Hemstone an infant
Jan 20 Richard Osborne of Chedburgh
Feb 21 John Barton at infant


July 10 Thomas Last
Sep 9 Rose daughter of Robert Kemp junr
Dec 6 Benjamin son of Stephen Adamas infant


June 12 Robert Underwood of Bury St Edmds
June 24 John son of Richard Smith ifnant
June 30 Elizabeth the wife of Joseph Ager
July 18 Sarah daughter of Richard Smith infant
Sep 23 John son of John Knop infant
Jan 7 Alice Sparrow


May 27 John son of John Hemstone infant
June 1 Sarah Kemp widow
July 6 Mary Helder widow
Jan 1 John Elsden widower
Jan 9 Frances the wife of Benjamin Downes
Jan 16 Ambrose son of Ambrose Ray


Aug 30 Roger Adams
Sep 23 Thomas son of Thomas Payne (altered from Pain) infnt


Apr 16 Robert son of John Scarf infant
July 7 Catharine (altered from Katharin) Kemp
Aug 15 Julian Sharp
Aug 30 Mary daughter of Anthony Crick
Sep 30 Ann Kemp of Hargrave
Oct 8 Joseph Ager (written upon an erasure)
Oct 16 John Sparrow joiner
Oct 29 Sarah daughter of Richard Smith
Jan 10 Elizabeth wife of Philip Nunn
Jan 13 John Underwood of Glemsford
Jan 31 William Last
Feb 7 Hanah Daughter of Isaac Deekes
Feb 19 Mr John Hammond
Feb 26 Judith daughter of John Scarf


Aug 10 Susan wife of Thomas Dyson
Aug 13 Ann wife of William Payn
Sep 1 John Prigg
Nov 29 Sarah the wife of John Tweed
Feb 17 Rose Prigg widow


Mch 28 Mary Middleditch
May 12 Martha daughter of John Purkess
June 23 Edward Clarke
July 11 Susan Cater
July 14 Philip Nunn
Aug 4 George Cook
Aug 20 Mary the daughter of Abrm Kemp
Aug 26 Susan Sparrow widow
Jan 5 Rebecca Clarke
Jan 10 Susanna daughter of Abraham Kemp
Jan 31 Abraham Kemp
Feb 18 Rose Storey widow
Mch 20 Nicholas Nunn


Apr 2 John Lilley infant
Apr 13 Sarah daughter of Gooch Ransom infnt
Apr 14 Martha daughter of William Pain
May 3 Mary daughter of Gooch Ransom
July 14 Phebe daughter of John Purkess
July 28 Mary Stead spinster
Oct 31 Mary Kemp widow


Jan 23 Benjamin Downes
Feb 9* James Ely (*altered from Janry)
Feb 16 May Cater widow of Chippenham

1756 Feb. 23 Jeremy the base child of Mary Sharp
July 20 Ann Kemp widow
1757 Jan. 6 Henry s. John Brabrook an infant
Apr. 20 Houghton Bailey
June 1 Frances d. Joseph Lily
Sep. 18 Frances Gibbon widow
Dec. 12 Mary wife of Nicholas Barrell
1758 Jan. 20 Elizabeth wife of Simon Kemp labourer
Feb 9 Julian Sharp an infant of Wickhambrook
24 Simon Kemp widower
Mch. 13 Anthony Crick labr
May 27 Robert s. Robert Howes
June 29 Sarah Wiffen widow
July 13 John Smith, widower
Sep 12 Susanna d. Samuel Evered
Oct. 17 Mary d. Thomas Kemp
1759 June 27 Mary wife of William Deer
Aug. 23 George s. George Jermyn
Oct. 2 Nathaniel Dowse Lab
1760 Feb. 3 Thomas s. James Harris
28 Richard s. John Knop
Apr. 10 Ambrose Kemp yeoman
May 16 Susan Copsey widow
June 6 Frances d. John Hemstone
July 18 Ambrose s. William Gilby
19 Edmund s. George Jermyn
29 Mary Granger spinster
From the bishops visitation Aug. the 12th 1760 held at Bury St Edmds
Aug. 30 Elizabeth wife of John Purkess
Oct. 10 Margarett Lofkin (altered from Lorkin) wid
Dec. 16 Charles s. Charles Hinton
1761 Jan. 29 Ann wife of Joshua Mayhew
Mch. 21 Robert the base son of Elizth Page
Apr. 23 John Sparrow Gent
May 4 Francis Gills an infant
June 27 William Gilby an infant
Nov. 12 Sarah Brabrook
21 Joseph Howse an infant
1762 Mch. 9 William Knottley
22 Mary Simpson an infant
June 7 Mary Cater widow
10 Ann Nunn widow
20 John Deekes Carpenter
Aug. 16 John s. James Harris
Sep. 5 Susan wife of John Manning
16 William Pain ye younger of Bury
18 Frances Howes an infant
Oct. 21 Joshua Loft an infant
1763 Jan. 10 John s James Harris an inf
Feb. 5 Sarah Middleditch widow
5 An infant daughter of Thos Smith
Apr. 21 Mary Sharp widow
May 20 Elisabeth Last widow
Bishops visitation June the 30th
July 21 John Calton Simpson an infant
Aug. 4 William Pain the elder of Bury
Sep. 21 John Walter an infant
Nov. 8 Mary wife of Richard Mortlock
1764 Jan. 24 Alice Adams widow
Apr. 12 Ann Burch wife of ye Revd Mr Burch rector of this parish
June 9 Ralph Spencer
Aug. 30 Ambrose Ray farmer
28 Samuel Wright
Aug 29 Thomas Suttle an infant
Nov. 10 John Calton Simpson an infant
1765 Feb. 16 Ann wife of William Manning
Mch. 8 Ann Dowse widow
Apr. 26 Mary Pearson an infant
1765 Aug. 1 Mrs Mary Last widow
Nov. 30 Sarah wife of Samuel Cornwell
Dec. 16 John Nunn cordwainer
21 Robert Smith farmer
1766 Jan. 14 Abraham Kemp single man
Mch. 16 Mary Ann Brisband of Bury St Mar’s widow
16 Elizabeth How an infant
Apr. 27 Ann Granger a poor girl
June 9 George How labourer
10 Elizabeth Page spinster
12 Isaac Deekes singleman
July 14 Martha Gilby an infant
29 Alice Nunn an infant
30 William s. John Evered an infant
Oct. 3 Daniel s. Abraham Parker infant
1767 Mch. 15 Hezekia Howard of Bury Saint Edmunds
22 Martha Cook widow
Apr. 28 Anne d. Mr Robert Sutton an infant
May 11 John Adams elder farmer
11 John s. Charles Hinton an infant
15 Martha (Hannah crossed out) Mison of Dalham
June 23 Sarah d. William Griggs
Oct. 10 Henry Sharp labourer
21 William Manning cordwainer
Dec. 10 Mary wife of John Barton
1768 Jan. 7 Anne wife of Mr John Brooke
11 Robert Ratler a poor man
Feb. 9 Margaret wife of Stephen Adams younger
13 William Adams an infant
Feb. 14 John Manning farmer
Apr. 8 John s. John Pawsey an infant
27 John Cousens singleman
May 9 Mrs Mercy Hammond widow
July 17 Isaac the base born son of Prudence Hemstone
19 Sarah d. Arthur Brookes
Aug. 25 Elizabeth wife of Joshua Mayhew
Dec. 24 John s. Ambrose Farrow infant
1769 Jan. 10 Elisha Barnes clarke of ye parish
Feb. 10 May wife of Francis Evered
14 Mary d. Samuel Prigg cordwainer
May 7 Henry Page labourer
Sep. 2 Catherine Wright widow
Nov. 14 Deborah Cousens the younger
Dec. 19 Elizabeth wife of William Barton
1770 Mch. 21 Ann d. Abraham Parker infant
May 24 Charles Hinton a poor shepherd
July 28 John s. Abraham Parker infant
Aug. 21 Mary wife of Ambrose Farrow
Nov. 4 John Langham a poor man
1771 Jan. 5 Johh Nunn elder farmer
22 Samuel Pettit labourer
Feb. 11 Mary wife of Mr Thomas Prigg
May 7 Isaac Sadler a poor stranger
11 Mary Granger widow
June 9 William s. Abraham Parker
July 18 William Chaplin gent of Bury St Marys was buried at Chevington
Oct. 11 Mary wife of Mr Jeremy Cater
14 Ruth Page widow
16 John s Robert Kemp younger
1772 Mch. 4 Mary Crick widow
Apr. 15 Sarah Deer spinster
29 Mr Robert Kemp elder at ye lodge
1772 May 23 Mary Barnes widow
July 30 Mary d. Ambraham Paker infans
Aug. 1 Ambrose Prigg labourer
Sep. 1 Daniel Watkinson infans
9 Mary wife of Samuel Last
17 John Brook elder yeoman
Nov. 4 Benjamin Bullbrook labourer
4 Martha d. Isaac Cook
1773 Jan. 3 Isaac Perkins an infant a stranger
15 Anne d. John Albon infans
Feb. 11 William s. John Cooke
24 Mary d. John Winterflood
Nov. 16 William Barton carpenter
Dec. 14 Mary d John Winterflood infans
16 John Purkess labourer
1774 Jan. 11 James s. Abrahm Parker
Feb. 22 Sarah wife of Richard Smith
Mch. 6 Mary wife of Stephen Adams elder
Apr. 28 Mary Nunn widow
June 12 Phebe d. Samuel Prigg labourer
July 3 Isaac Deeks carpenter
Sep. 29 Philip s. Abraham Parker an infant
1775 Mch 25 Thomas Ping (Peng?) yeoman
29 Hannah Barrell spinster and Martha Barrel infans
Apr. 9 Mrs Amy Cater widow of Chevington
Aug. 17 Samuel Cornwell labourer
Nov. 29 John s. Christopher & Margaret Berry
Dec. 10 Ann Hempstead d. John & Mary Hempstead
12 Elizabeth wife of John Wiffin of Hargrave
1776 Jan. 11 Elizabeth wife of Roger Nunn
18 Stephen Adams of Chevington
Feb. 28 Elizabeth wife of Thomas Worledge
May 4 The Revd Edward Burch rector of Chevington
June 25 James Ely
Aug. 18 Mary Hempstead, a base born child
Sep. 1 Elizabeth d. Abraham Parker, infant
Sep. 22 Mary & Elizabeth Cook, infants
Dec. 1 Edward s. John & Rose Evered
1777 Feb. 14 Ann Death of Polstead Suffolk
May 3 Esther Nun widow
July 16 John Nunn widower
Aug. 19 Rose Parker infant
Sep. 13 Simon Kemp ye elder
Oct. 26 Sarah wife of James Pollard
31 Ambrose Barton
Nov. 23 Samuel Prigg shoemaker
1778 Feb. 16 Elizabeth Barton
Mch. 1 John Steed
16 Robert Leader
Apr. 8 Ambrose Farrow
Aug. 18 Sarah Parker
20 Mary Manning
Sep. 6 John Brooks
15 Mary Kemp
Oct. 14 Samuel Petit
20 Elizth Last
Nov. 1 Thomas Last
4 Alice Wright
7 Benjamin Dowse
Dec. Elizth Nun
5 Sarah Nun
18 Mary Nun
1779 Feb. 6 Margaret Kemp
1779 Apr. 3 Elizth Berry
24 Edmund Sharp
June 2 Elizth Adams inf.
15 Deborah Cousins (82)
Sep. 21 Tabitha Bullbrook (72)
1780 Jan. 31 Sarah wife of Benjm Ashman
May 8 Mary Adams widow (74)
Oct. 6 Elizabeth Nun
Oct. 17 Gooch Ransome
1781 Jan. 18 Samuel Osborn
Feb. 22 Elizabeth White infant
May 15 Elizabeth Bailey infant
June 9 Sarah Prick widow (66)
July 25 William Parker inft
Aug. 17 Robert Brooks (79)
Nov. 11 Ann Wallis inf.
30 Judith Spencer of Dalham
Dec. 4 William Hilton (20)
1782 Jan. 20 Jonathan Adams (62)
Feb. 22 Robert Howse
Mch. 24 Martha Barton of Gr. Saxham
Apr. 1 John Brooks (74)
23 Susanna Adams inf.
July 27 Mary wife of John Hempstone (60)
Aug. 4 Dorothy Cook widow (80)
Oct. 31 Mary Cornwell widow (97)
Nov. 28 William Deer (78)
1783 Jan. 15 Isaac Cook (54)
Mch. 17 John Crick inf.
Apr. 25 John Beryr inf.
June 7 Richard Jarman (83)
25 Mary Bailey inf.
Aug. 29 William Underwood (93)
Sep. 5 Ann Parker inf.
10 Mary wife of James Wright (28)
Oct. 19 Roger Nunn widower aged (blank)
Dec. 2 Joseph Lilly married man aged 62
Jan. 29 Alice wife of Samuel Evered aged (blank)
Apr. 2 Mary wife of John Nunn aged (blank)
16 Frances d. James Pollard & Mry his wife (late Mary Brewster sp.) aged 3/4 year
Sep 17 Alice wife of Samuel Suttle (late Alice Pattle Sp.) aged 52 years
Oct. 15 Elizabeth Prigg d Samuel Prigg & Susan his wife (late Susan Baker Spr) aged 21.
Nov. 28 Mary Prigg widow (late Mary Serjeant Sp.) aged 44. Pauper.
30 George Jarman (married man) aged 60.
Dec. 5 Elizabeth Nunn d John Nunn Wr & Mary his wife (late Mary Copsey Spr.) aged 3/4 year
Feb. 22 Samuel Went bachelor and pauper aged 35
Mch. 2 Elizabeth Evered d. Frances Evered & Mary his wife (late Mary Cawston Spr) aged 25.
Apr. 4 Thomas s. Wm. Willingham & Ann his W. (late A.Gooch Spr) aged 1 3/4 year.
11 Thomas s. Elizabeth Fair widow infant
May 30 Frances d. John Winch & Mary his W. (late M.Tilson Spr) aged 1 year
June 11 Edmund Sevencroft (?) married man aged 73
20 James Ransome married man s. Gooch Ransome & Bridget his W. (Late B.Nash Spr) aged 39
28 Susan Deeks widow d . Thomas Yardley & Susan his Wife (late S. Kemball Spr) aged 78.
Aug. 20 Mary wife of Arthur Brooks (Late M.Hawes Spr.) aged 68.
Oct. 13 Sarah widow of George Jarman (late S.Pettit Spr) aged 65
Jan. 3 John Flack married. s. Henry Flack & Mary his wife (Late Mary Howard Sp) aged 70.
29 Jemima d. James Evered & Eliz. his W. (late E.Ward Spr) infant.
Feb. 26 Elizabeth Filer widow aged 33.
Mch. 5 John Arborn married man aged 58
June 21 Sarah d. George Arborn & Mary his W. (late M.Mortlock Spr) aged 1 1/2 year.
Sep. 14 John s. John Wiffin & Sarah his W. (late S.Honiball Spr) a widower aged 79
Dec. 31 Jonathan s. Jonathan Adams & Mary his W. (late M.Head Spr) aged 37
Mch. 16 Thomas s. Abraham Steed & Mable his W. (late M.Paske Spr) aged 16
Mch. 30 Thomas s. Thomas Cook & Susan his W. (late S.Nunn Spr) infant
May 16 Isabella d. James Evered & Eliz. his W. (late E.ward Sp.) infant
[Page 21 contains burials of paupers as foll:-]
Jan 27 William Taylor pauper aged 100
Apr. 16 Fraces d. Jas. Pollard & Mary his W. (late M.Brewster Sp.) aged 3/4 y. P.
Apr. 17 John Hempstone widower a pauper aged 75
29 Mary d. Jas. Bailey & Sarah his W. (late S.Clark Spr) a pauper aged 1 year
24 Mary d. Sam. Prigg & Mary his W. (late M.Serjeant Spr) a pauper aged 12
May 24 Eliz. d. Peter Paske & Eliz. his W. (late E.Adams Sp.) a pauper aged 5
Feb. 4 Thomas s. Jas. Pollard & Sarah his W. (late S.Ling Spr) a pauper aged 21?
Apr. 15 John Cook married man s. Wm. Cook & Martha his W. (late M.Emerson? Spr) a pauper aged 65.
30 Henry s. John Arborn & Mary his W. (late M.Walker Spr) a pauper aged 13.
May 27 Susan d. John Arborn & Mary his W. (late M.Walker Spr) a pauper aged 17
Oct. 5 Mary d. Edmund Pettit & Rebecca his W. (late R.Harwood Spr) a pauper aged 54.
22 Rebecca Pettit widow a pauper aged 89
Dec. 22 Eliz. wife of Robt. Leader (late E.Howse Spr) a pauper aged 31.
Jan. 2 James s. Daniel Wright & Ann his W. (late A.Bailey Spr) a pauper infant
Apr. 11 Susan d. Jas. Bailey & Sarah his W. (late S.Clarke Spr) infant. ! pauper.
[On page 23 the ordinary burials are contine (sic)]
May 24 Simon s. Ambrose Kemp & Mary his wife, bach, aged 72.
June 4 Mary d. John Cornwell & Mary his W. (late M.Frost Sp.) aged 20.
Aug. 7 Sarah d. John Pawsey & Mary his W. (late M.Twitchett Sp.) aged 9.
19 Elizabeth d. Richard Harris & Eliz. his W. (late E.Jackson Sp.) aged 72.
Oct. 21 John s. John Biddell & Martha his W. (late M.Woodward Sp.) married man, aged 46
Feb. 3 Abraham s. Abm Parker & Rose his W. (late R.Coe Sp.) married man, aged 49
14 Samuel s. John Evered & Mary his W. (late M.Myrton Sp.) widower aged 56 (P)
Mch. 13 Susanna wife of Jeremy Cater (late S.Brooks S0p.) aged 63.
20 Martha wife of Charles Kemp (late M.Miller Sp.) aged [blank]
May 1 Mary wife of Francis EVERED (late M.JACKSON sp) aged 62.
July 7 William Ward s. James EVERED & Elizabeth his W. A(late E.WARD sp.) inf.
Aug. 26 Mary wife of Robert NUNN (late M.BOREHAM sp.) aged 21.
Sep. 8 Mary widow of Simon KEMP (late M.BROOKS sp.) aged 84.
Oct. 16 Sarah d. James HARRIS & Elizabeth his W. (late E.SPENCER sp.) aged 21.
22 James BULLBROOK bach. aged (blank) a pauper.
Dec. 30 Phebe d. Daniel WRIGHT & Ann his W. (late A.BAILEY sp.) P.
Jan 13 Susan wife of Francis SMITH (late S.BROOKS sp.) aged 35.
13 John s. Francis SMITH & Susan his W. (late S.BROOKS sp.) inft.
27 Mary wife of John PAWSEY (late M.TWITCHETT sp.) aged 44.
Mch. 8 Charles s of John COE & Hannah his W. (late H.KEMP sp) inf.
Apr. 2 Hannah wife of John COE  (late H.KEMP sp.) aged 31.
June 14 Mary widow of Charles HILTON (late M. SYER sp) aged about 63.
Aug. 5 John s. Daniel LING & Hannah his W. (late H.ORRIDGE sp.) inft.
8 Rhoda Deborah d. John WHITE & Elizabeth his W. (late E. KEABLE sp.) int.
Dec. 14 George s. Peter BOREHAM & Elizabeth his W. (late E.FROST  sp.) aged 18.
May 1 Margaret widow of William FENTON (late M.PLUMB sp.) aged 74.
6 Henry s James EVERED & Elizabeth his W. (late E.WARD sp.) inf.
Oct. 26 Richard SMITH. Man aged 83.
Dec. 31 Mary widow of John SPARROW (late M.STURGEON sp.) aged 73.
Mch. 22 Rose d. Francis EVERED & Mary his W. (late M.CAWSTON sp.) aged 22.
May 5 Robert s. Robert KEMP & Susan his W. (late S.BROOKS sp.) married man, aged 46.
15 William s. John GILBY & Ann his W. (late A.DYSON sp.) mar. man aged 68.
22 Richard s. Richard MARSHALL & Susan his W. (late S.ARBORN sp.) inf.
June 22 Mary wife of William EVERED (late M.TILSON sp.) aged 44.
July 2 Thomas s Mary PAWSEY inf.
Feb. 8 Samuel DEATH married man aged 61.
Apr. 3 James s. Daniel WRIGHT & Ann his W. (late A.BAILEY sp.) inft.
22 James HARRIS married man aged 69.
June 2 Mary PRIOR widow aged 67.
15 Daniel SHARP married man s. of Julian SHARP & MAry his W. (late M. [blank]) aged 46.
July 14 John s. Edward PLUMMER & Mary his W. (late M.MERRELL sp.) inft.
Nov. 24 Frances wife of William BULLBROOK aged 68.
Jan. 17 Ann PICKERING widow aged 78.
Feb. 18 Mary LILLY widow aged 75.
Mch. 17 Jeremiah s. Thomas SUTTLE & Mary his W. (late M.JACKAMAN sp.) inft.
May 16 Simon LAST married man s. of Thomas LAST & Elizabeth his W. aged 62.
June 1 Mary KEMP, widow, aged ab. 63.
Oct. 31 Mary wife of Benjamin ASHMAN (late M.JERYLLs sp.) aged about 48. P.
Nov. 15 John s. Ann DOWSE aged 11. P.
Dec. 21 Stephen ADAMS married man aged 63.
26 Arthur BROOK widower s. of Arthur BROOK & [blank] aged 80.
Jan. 9 Stephen s. John ADAMS & Mary his W. (late M.GILLS sp.) inft. P.
16 Edward s. James EVERED & Elizabeth his W. (late E.WARD sp.) inft.
Mch. 31 Simon LAST married man s. Simon LAST & Mary his W. (late M.KEMP sp.) aged 30.
Aug. 29 Hannah d. Edward PLUMMER & Mary his W. (late M.MERRELL sp.) Inft.
Sep. 15 Frances wife of Robert CLARKE (late F.NUNN sp.) aged 23. P.
Nov. 8 Robert JARMAN, married man, aged 37.
Dec. 30 Elizabeth d. Benjamin ASHMAN & Mary his W. (late M.JERYLL sp.) aged 12.
Jan. 17 Elizabeth d. Samuel MARGETTS & Susanna his W. (late S.BROOKE sp.) aged 20.
29 Daniel s. Nathaniel DOWSE & Ann his W., bachr. aged 53.
Mch. 13 Mary wife of Robert FROST (late M.BOREHAM sp.) aged 45.
Apr. 25 James s. Thomas KEMP & Mary his W. (late M.FLACK sp.) aged 1 yr.
May 2 Martha widow of Nicholas BRUNDEL, aged 87.
6 Mary wife of Thomas KEMP (late M.KEMP. sp) aged 34.
July 10 William EVERED widower s. of Francis EVERED & Mary his W. (late M.CAWSTON sp.) aged 28.
15 John s. John BIRCHAM & Rhoda his W. (late R.WILLINGHAM sp.) aged 3.
Sep. 7 Robert s. Richard MAYHEW & Margaret his W. (late M.DEEKS sp.) inft.
18 Martha widow of William GILBY (late M.FLACK sp.) aged about 70.
Apr. 20 Mary widow of Joseph PAGE (late M.UNDERWOOD sp.) aged 27.
July 4 Thomas s. Robert KEMP & Susan his W. (late S.KEMP sp.) inft.
Aug. 28 Dinah widow of John COOK (late D.EMET sp.) aged 73.
30 Susan wife of Reynolds MARLEY (late S.VINCENT sp.) aged 45.
Sep 6 John COOK married man aged 61.
14 James POLLARD married man aged 62.
Nov. 9 Robert s. William DEBENHAM & Ann his W. (late A.SMITH sp.) aged 4. S.F.* 1
24 James s. Christopher ORRIDGE & Ann his W. (late A.KING sp.) aged 7. S.F.* 2
Dec. 10 Mary d. Christopher ORRIDGE & Ann his W. (late A.KING sp.) aged 5. S.F.* 3
10 John s. Christopher ORRIDGE & Ann his W. (late A.KING sp.) aged 2 S.F.* 4
17 John s. William SEWELL & Sarah his W. (late S.SEXTON sp.) aged 8 S.F.* 5
Jan. 10 Susan d. John ADAMS & Mary his W. (late M.GILLS sp.) aged 1. S.F.* 6
13 Mary Ann d. John ADAMS & Mary his W. (late M.GILLS sp.) aged 6. S.F.* 7
14 John s. John ADAMS & Mary his W. (late M.GILLS sp.) aged 4. S.F.* 8
20 Ann d. John BIRCHAM & Rhoda his W. (late R.WILLINGHAM sp.) aged 10 S.F.* 9
*Presumably scarlet fever
Feb. 5 Sarah d. John MORTLOCK & Lucy his W. (late L.SMITH sp.) inft.
15 Elizabeth d. Daniel LING & Hannah his W. (late H.ORRIDGE sp.) aged 4.
Mch. 19 John s. John ADAMS & [blank] his W. widower aged 72.
May 7 William NEWMAN married man aged 60.
Aug. 2 Thomas s. Thomas CANHAM & Sarah his W. (late S.EVERED sp.) inft.
14 Hannah d. James EVERED & Elizabeth his W. (late E.WARD sp.) inft.
25 Mary d. William PEARSON & Martha his W. (late M.DEATH sp.) inft.
Oct. 26 Richard s. John WHITE & Elizabeth his W. (late E.KEABLE sp.) aged 3 years 8 months.
Nov. 1 Thomas s. William WILLINGHAM & Ann his W. (late A.GOOCH sp.) aged 10.
9 Mary d. William SEWELL & Sarah his W. (late S.SEXTON sp.) aged 6.
Jan. 4 Henry s. John CROSS & Mary his W. (late M.EVERED sp.) aged 11.
18 Mary wife of John CORNWELL (late M.FROST sp.) aged 54.
Feb. 6 Hannah d Edward PLUMMER & Mary his W. (late M.MERRILL sp.) inft.
May 7 Ann wife of Henry HAGREEN (late A.MANNING sp.) aged 52.
12 Ann wife of Daniel WRIGHT (late A.BAILEY sp.) aged 41.
July 8 Jeremiah PETTIT, married man, aged 69.
9 Lucy d. William NEWMAN & Mary his W. age 15.
18 Mary d Thomas DEATH & Mary his W. (late M.CHALICE sp.) aged 32.
23 John NUNN bchr s. John NUNN & Esther his W. (late E.LIMMER, sp.) aged 74.
Aug 30 Esther d. James EVERED & Elizabeth his W. (late E.WARD sp.) aged 2.
Sep. 29 Peter PARKE, married man, aged 65.
Nov. 1 Elizabeth wife of Robert WINCH (late E.GARWOOD sp.) aged 25.
3 Hannah d. John NUNN & Mary his W. (late M.FLACK sp.) aged inft.
15 Susan wife of Samuel MARGATES (late S.BROOKS sp.) aged 62.
Jan. 18 Nathaniel MANNING widower aged 54.
July 30 Robert COOPER married man s. James COOPER & Mary his W. (late M.DOWNHAM sp.) aged 63.
Sep. 19 Frances widow of Robert COOPER (late F.WISEMAN sp.) aged 62.
Dec. 20 Elizabeth widow of Jeremiah PETTIT (late E.ROGERS sp.) aged 73.
June 30 Sarah d. William ADAMS & Sarah his W. (late S.DEATH sp.) aged 29.
July 21 Sally d. Edward PLUMMER & Mary his W. (late M.MERRELL sp.) inft.
Aug 1. George s. John ARBORN & Mary his W. (late M.ADAMS sp.) inft.
2 Hannah widow of Daniel LING (late H.ORRIDGE sp.) aged 40.
3 Thomas s. Christopher ORRIDGE &  Ann his W. (late A.KING sp.) aged 12.
12 Christopher ORRIDGE, married man, aged about 40.
Sep. 9 William LALHAM s. William LALHAM & Sarah his W. (late S.SOMERS sp.) aged 48.
Sep 24 Mary wife of John PRYKE (late M.BOREHAM sp.) aged 46.
Oct. 4 Samuel PRIGG s. Thomas PRIGG & Rose his W. (late R.SPARKS sp.) aged 74.
23 Susan wife of John NUNN (late S.CHALICE sp.) aged 54.
Nov. 5 William BULLBROOK wdr s. Benjamin BULLBROOK & Mary his W. (late M.NUNN sp.) aged 72.
Jan. 16 Mary d. John TWINN & Catherine his W. (late C.DICKERSON sp.) aged 2.
Apr. 26 Mary d William WHYMARK & Elizabeth his W. (late E.CRACK sp.) aged 2.
May 13 Elizabeth of William WHYMARK (late E.CRACK sp.) aged 24.
21 Peachey s. Mary PASKE aged 2.
21 Joshua MAYHEW widr s. of Anthony MAYHEW & Ann his W. (late Ann SPENCER sp.) aged 79.
July 25 Abraham s. Hannah LING aged 3.
Nov. 6 Mabel wife of Thomas EVERED (late M.STEED sp.) aged 34.
7 Mary d. Edward PLUMMER & Mary his W. (late M.MERREL sp.) aged 13.
10 Samuel SUTTLE widr aged 75.
Feb. 8 Rose wife of John EVERED (late R.CRICK sp.) aged 64.
13 Elizabeth widow of John BIDDEL (late E.MANNING sp.) aged 57.
13 Ann wife of Joseph PAGE (late A.JACKSON sp.) aged 65.
May 20 John s. John ADAMS & Mary his W. (late M.GILL sp.) aged 1 year.
June 13 Harriet Martha d. John TWINN & Catherine his W. (late C.DICKERSON sp.) aged 1.
Aug. 24 Daniel VARROW s. Daniel VARROW & Elizth his W. (late E.COCKERTON sp.) aged 27.
Sep. 4 Hannah widow of Isaac COOK (late H.HEMPSTEAD sp.) aged 67.
Oct. 12 Elizabeth d. Stephen ADAMS & ann his W. (late A.LOFT sp.) aged 34.
26 John EVERED widr s. of John EVERED & Mary his W. (late M.MYRTON sp.) aged 80 (33 years Parish Clerk)
Nov. 13 Mary d. Robert KEMP & Ann his W. (late A.LAST sp.) aged 6.
Elizabeth d. John MALT & Margaret his W. (late M.BOREHAM sp.) aged 14.
Feb. 21 Thomas CADGE widr s. Thomas CADGE & Ann his W. (late A.HOWARD sp.) aged 75.
Mch. 21 John TWINN married man s. of Richard TWINN & Sarah his W. (late S.WEBB sp.) aged 78.
Apr. 3 Mary d. George ARBOURN & Mary his W. (late M.MORTLOCK sp.) aged 22.
15 John s. John DRINKMILK of Barrow & Mary his W. (late M.KEMP sp.) aged 2 years 3 months.
May 18 Ann DOWSE aged 60 years.
June 3 Richard s. James MORTLOCK & Ann his W. (late A.COOPER sp.) inft.
7 William s. William ALLEN & Mary his W. (late M.TOMPSON sp.) aged 9.
27 Mary wife of Robert SIMKIN (late Mary ELY sp.) aged 35.
Feb. 4 Elizabeth wife of James EVERED (late E.WARD sp.) aged 45.
Aug. 5 Francis EVERED married man so. of John EVERED & Mary his W. (late M.MYRTON sp.) aged 73.
Sep. 2 Mary d. Thomas NUNN & Sarah his W. (late S.CHALICE sp.) aged 25.
Dec. 15 Elizabeth d. William NEWMAN & Mary his W. (late M.SIMKIN sp.) aged 24.
Apr. 6 William NUNN married man s. of William NUNN & Ann his W. (late A.FENN sp.) aged 45.
25 Ann wife of Robert KEMP (late A.LAST sp.) aged 33.
May 1 William s. Robert KEMP & Ann his W. (late A.LAST sp.) inft.
9 Ann TWINN widow of John TWINN (late A.CADGE sp.) aged 79
Oct 5 Robert KEMP widr s. of Robert KEMP & Susan his W. (late S.RAYNER sp.) aged 35.
Nov. 3 Henry s. Thomas SMITH & Hannah his W. (late H.TWINN sp.) aged 1.

Jan 22 Robert Leader widr, so of Stephen Leader and May his W. (late M. Page sp) aged 61
Mch 20 Mary d John Adamas and mary his W. (late M.Gills sp) inf
Mch 29 John Arbourn married man aged 66
Apr 23 Esther wife of John Pawsey (late E.Wiffin sp.) aged 61
May 1 William s John Arbourn and Mary his W. (late M. Adams sp) aged 2
12 Rebecca wife of James Copping (late R.Foster sp) aged 43
28 John Kemp widw so of Robt Kemp and Susan his W. (late S.Brooks sp) aged 59
Sep 7 Mary wife of Francis Smith (late. M.Brand sp) aged 78
Nov 23 Sarah d James Bailey and Mary his W. (late M.Frost sp) inf


Jan 9 Martha widow of Daniel Watkinson (late M.Brooks sp) aged 65
Mch 29 Thomas Wallace, married man, son of Nathaniel Wallace and (blank) his wife, aged 82
Apr 24 John Kemp son John Pryke and Mary his W. (late M.boreham sp) bach, aged 25
Sep 6 Emily d William Bridge and Sarah his W (late S.Coe sp) inf
Oct 20 Margaret d Walter Nunn and his W (late Frost) aged 77
Nov 1 Harriet d Thomas Wallace and Sarah his W (late S.Steed sp) inf
11 Sarah wife of John Walton (late S. Charlish sp) aged 35


Feb 16 Susan widow of Samuel Death (late S.Deeks sp) aged 75
Mch 7 Susanna d Robert Kemp and Ann his W (late A.Last sp) aged 8

Dec 1 Robert s Robert Leader and Elz his W. aged 25


July 11 Mar Ann d Robert Nunn and Eliz his W (late E.Arbourn sp) aged 3


July 28 Robert s Robert Kemp and Ann his W (late A.Last sp) aged 13


Ann Deeks aged 31 years


Jan 1 Richard Mortlock married man aged 86
9 John Adams married man s Stephen Adams and Margaret his W aged 43
Mch 13 Abraham s thomas Wallace and Sarah his W (late S.Stee sp) inf
May 13 William so Jeremiah Featon and Christian his W (late C.Cooke sp) aged 4
June 8 Martha Kemp d John Kemp and Susan his W (Late S.Death sp) aged 29
Aug 2 Ann widow of Richard Mortlock (late A.Ramplin sp) aged 86
6 Susan wife of Stephen Paske (late S.Carter sp) aged 34
Sep 21 John Farrow married man s of Ambrose Farrow and Mary his W (late M.Well sp) aged 33
26 John s John Wallace and Mary his W (late M.Arbourn sp) inf
Dec 31 John Paske married man s Daniel Paske and Eliz his W (late E.Hagves? sp) aged 72


Feb 12 Sarah wife of Lot Ridley Danby (late S.Last sp) aged 31
Apr 15 Robert s John Mayhew and mary his W (late M.Edgley sp) inf
16 Caroline d John Boreham and Eliz his W. (late E.Tailor sp) inf
Nov 9 Mary Sims widow of Williams Sims (late M.Nunn sp) aged 39
Dec 17 Henry s Susan Kemp infant


Mch 27 John Flack married man so of Thos Flack and Mary his W. (late M.Smith sp) aged about 50
Aug 25 Abraham s John Arbourn and mary hsi W (late M.Adams s) inf
Oct 20 Sarah wife of John Gibly (late S.Macro sp) aged 55


Jan 21 Ann widow of John Paske (late A.Morret sp) aged 77
Apr 14 Sarah widow of Thomas Evered (late S.Mortlock sp ) aged 85
May 3 Frederic s Maria Harold Kenyon inf
May 22 Mary widow of John Arbourn (late M.Walker sp) aged 77
July 12 Ann wife of John Leader (late A.Wallace sp) aged 26
19 Susan widow of Daniel Pask (late S.Long sp ) aged 35
Oct 4 Joseph s Alice Evered aged 1 year