8th June 1871 Inventory of The Personal Estate of the late GEORGE SILVER
At Stonehaven the eighth day of June in the year One thousand eight hundred and seventy one, In presence of John Guthrie Smith, Esquire, Advocate, Commissary of the Commissant of Kincardine – compeared Arthur Yrellesley, Junior, Solicitor in Stonehaven as Procurateor and gave in the Inventory of the Personal Estate of the deceased George Silver, partner at Standingstones, in the Parish of Maryculter and County of Kincardine, and Oath thereon underwritten, desiring that the same might be recorded in the Commissary Court Books of Kincardineshire which desire the said Commissary found reasonable and ordained the same to be done accordingly, and of which Inventory the tenor follows viz:- Inventory of the Personal Estate wheresoever situated of George Silver, Partner at Standingstones in the Parish of Maryculter and County of Kincardine, who died at Standingstones aforesaid on or about the twenty second day of April One Thousand eight hundred and seventy one. I. Cash in the House £3 – – II.
Household Furniture and other effects on farm at Standingstones sold on 28th June 1871 Inventory of The Personal Estate of the late GEORGE SILVER
At Stonehaven the eighth day of June in the year One thousand eight hundred and seventy one, In presence of John Guthrie Smith, Esquire, Advocate, Commissary of the Commissant of Kincardine – compeared Arthur Yrellesley, Junior, Solicitor in Stonehaven as Procurateor and gave in the Inventory of the Personal Estate of the deceased George Silver, partner at Standingstones, in the Parish of Maryculter and County of Kincardine, and Oath thereon underwritten, desiring that the same might be recorded in the Commissary Court Books of Kincardineshire which desire the said Commissary found reasonable and ordained the same to be done accordingly, and of which Inventory the tenor follows viz:- Inventory of the Personal Estate wheresoever situated of George Silver, Partner at Standingstones in the Parish of Maryculter and County of Kincardine, who died at Standingstones aforesaid on or about the twenty second day of April One Thousand eight hundred and seventy one. I. Cash in the House £3 – – II. Household Furniture and other effects on farm at Standingstones sold on 23rd May 1871 as per Roup Roll £298 : 19 – Less discounts allowed for Cash 7 10 6 Interest thereon to date of Oath to Inventory 2 10 8 £291 – 19 – 2 Sum contained on two Bills dated 23rd May 1871 and payable six months after dated granted by William Moir and Alexander Black and Alexander Sim, for purchases at the Sale £55 – 10 Less discount from date of Oath to Inventory to 26th November next when Bills fall due 1-8-5-54-17 £346-0-9 III Valuation of Thrashing Mill, Dung, New Grass, Turnip Land and labour paid for by new tenant on 2nd June 1871 £113-12-2 Interest thereon to date of Oath to Inventory 1-5 _________ £115-13-7
Value of Thirty Two acres of growing oats per valuationn of Arthur Stephen, Licensed Appraiser £128 £243-13-7 Amount of Personal Estate in Scotland £592-14-4 Signed John Silver, Jas Christian, Stonehaven At Stonehaven the eight day of June One thousand eight hundred and seventy one, In presence of James Christian, Commissary Clerk, Stonehaven. Appeared John Silver, Partner at East Ashertilly in the Parish of Maryculter and County of Kincardine, executor of the deceased George Silver, Partner at Standingstones in the said Parish who being solemnly sworn and examined depones that the said George Silver died at Standingstones aforesaid upon the twenty second day of April Eighteen Hundred and Seventy One, and the deponent is about to enter upon the possession and management of his personal or moveable estate as Executor quo one of the next of kin : That the Deponent knows no Testamentary Settlement or other writing left by the deceased relative to the disposal of his personal estate or effects or any part thereof: That the foregoing Inventory signed by the Deponent and the said Commissary Clerk as relative hereto is a full and complete Inventory of the Personal Estate and Effects of the said deceased George Silver wheresoever situated and belonging or due to him beneficially at the time of his death in so far as the same has come to the deponents knowledge: That the deponent does not know of any money or property belonging to the deceased liable to the duty imposed, by the Acts Twenty Third Victoria Chapter Fifteen and Twenty Third and Twenty Fourty this date of the said Personal Estate and Effects situated in Scotland, including the proends accrued thereon down to this date is Five Hundred Pounds sterling: That confirmation of the said Personal Estate is required in favour of the deponent. All which is truth as the deponent shall answer to God (signed) John Silver, Jas Christian (Comy Clerk) Written by William Allardice
3rd May 1871 as per
Roup Roll £298 : 19 – Less discounts allowed for Cash 7 10 6 Interest thereon to date of Oath to Inventory 2 10 8 £291 – 19 – 2 Sum contained on two Bills dated 23rd May 1871 and payable six months after dated granted by William Moir and Alexander Black and Alexander Sim, for purchases at the Sale £55 – 10 Less discount from date of Oath to Inventory to 26th November next when Bills fall due 1-8-5-54-17 £346-0-9 III Valuation of Thrashing Mill, Dung, New Grass, Turnip Land and labour paid for by new tenant on 2nd June 1871 £113-12-2 Interest thereon to date of Oath to Inventory 1-5 _________ £115-13-7 Value of Thirty Two acres of growing oats per valuationn of Arthur Stephen, Licensed Appraiser £128 £243-13-7 Amount of Personal Estate in Scotland £592-14-4 Signed John Silver, Jas Christian, Stonehaven At Stonehaven the eight day of June One thousand eight hundred and seventy one, In presence of James Christian, Commissary Clerk, Stonehaven. Appeared John Silver, Partner at East Ashertilly in the Parish of Maryculter and County of Kincardine, executor of the deceased George Silver, Partner at Standingstones in the said Parish who being solemnly sworn and examined depones that the said George Silver died at Standingstones aforesaid upon the twenty second day of April Eighteen Hundred and Seventy One, and the deponent is about to enter upon the possession and management of his personal or moveable estate as Executor quo one of the next of kin : That the Deponent knows no Testamentary Settlement or other writing left by the deceased relative to the disposal of his personal estate or effects or any part thereof: That the foregoing Inventory signed by the Deponent and the said Commissary Clerk as relative hereto is a full and complete Inventory of the Personal Estate and Effects of the said deceased George Silver wheresoever situated and belonging or due to him beneficially at the time of his death in so far as the same has come to the deponents knowledge: That the deponent does not know of any money or property belonging to the deceased liable to the duty imposed, by the Acts Twenty Third Victoria Chapter Fifteen and Twenty Third and Twenty Fourty this date of the said Personal Estate and Effects situated in Scotland, including the proends accrued thereon down to this date is Five Hundred Pounds sterling: That confirmation of the said Personal Estate is required in favour of the deponent. All which is truth as the deponent shall answer to God (signed) John Silver, Jas Christian (Comy Clerk) Written by William Allardice