- E.F.Briggs Jr. to wed
The wedding of Miss Jean Silver Duncan, daughter of Mr and Mrs Herbert John Duncan of West Caldwell, to Edward F.Briggs Jr., son of Mr and Mrs Edward F.Briggs of 161 Walnut Street, will take place Sunday afternoon at a 4 o'clock ceremony at St Peter's Episcopal Church Essex Fells.
The rector, the Rev. Harold R.Onderdonk, will officiate, and a small reception will follow at the Mayfair, West Orange.
Miss Kathryn Zinzow of Caldwell will attend the bride-elect as maid of honour, and bridesmaids will include Miss Patricia Duncan of Great Barrington, Mass., a cousin, Miss Jean Markham of Amityville, L.I., Mrs Robert Goodman Jr., of Upper Montclair, and Mrs Normal C.Park of Newtown, Pa. Howard Briggs of Cleveland will serve his brother, Norman Briggs of Hartford, Conn., Robert Duncan of West Caldwell, Arthur Hart of Montclair and Emil von Arx of Teneck will usher.
The bridegroom-elect will receive his commission as second lieutenant from Officer Candidate School at Aberdeen, Md. on Saturday.