- 1915 Marriages in the District of Fetteresso in the County of Kincardine No 2 1915 on the Twentyseventh day of February at South United Free Church Stonehaven after banns according to the forms of the United Free Church of Scotland (Signed) Godfrey Jackson Clemens Teacher (Bachelor) aged 36 of 53 Deveron Street, Huntly
Father: Frederick Clemens Minister (deceased) Mother: Isabella Clemens M.S. Jackson (deceased) AND (Signed) Agnes May Silver (Spinster) aged 23 of 1 Robert Street, Stonehaven Father: David Alexander Silver Bank Agent Mother: Elsie Silver M.S. Silver (deceased)
Witnesses: Henry Esson? Michie? Minister of South United Free Church Stonehaven, Maggie Blake, Frederick Boothroyd
Aberdeen Press and Journal 02 March 1915, p.4:
CLEMENS-SILVER.-At the South U.F. Church, Stonehaven, on 27th February, by the Rev. H.E.Muchie, assisted by the Rev. Dr Morrison, Cults, Godfrey Jackson Clemens, Huntly, to Agnes May, younger daughter of David A.Silver, J.P., bank agent, Stonehaven. At home, Austral House, Huntly, 16th and 17th April.