Female Abt 1828 - 1893  (65 years)

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  • Name Isabella FALCONER 
    Birth Abt 1828  Strachan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Female 
    Census 1841  Crossley, Fetteresso, Kincardine, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Crossley, Fetteresso:
      John Silver 60 farmer
      Helen Silver 55
      Alexander Silver 30 agricultural labourer
      Jean Silver 25 female servant
      John Silver 15 agricultural labourer
      Isobel Falconer 13 female servant
      Robert Thow 12 agricultural labourer
      Elizabeth Taylor 11 female servant
    Census 1851  Stripeside of Crossley, Fetteresso, Kincardineshire, Scotland, UK Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Census 1861  Burnside Farm, Kincardine, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Census 1871  Crossley, Fetteresso, Kincardine, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • 1871 census for Crossley, Fetteresso, Kincardine:
      Alexander Silver head married, aged 61, farmer of 150 Acres 80 Arable Employs 2 Men 2 woman born Maryculter, Kincardine
      Isabella Silver wife married, aged 44 years, born Strachan, Kincardine
      Hellen Silver daughter unmarried, aged 18, farmer's daughter Maryculter, Kincardine
      John Silver son, aged 14, farmer's son Maryculter, Kincardine
      Alexander Silver son, aged 12, scholar Maryculter, Kincardine
      Isabella M Silver daughter, aged 10, Maryculter, Kincardine
      James Silver son, aged 7, Maryculter, Kincardine
      Ann Fraser servant, aged 16, domestic servant Fetteresso, Kincardine
      Robert McKilligan servant unmarried, aged 29, Nigg
      William Duncan servant, aged 14, farm servant Glatt? Aberdeenshire

    Census 1881  Crossley, Fetteresso, Kincardine, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • 1881 British Census Dwelling: Crossley Census Place: Fetteresso, Kincardine, Scotland
      Alexander SILVER M, aged 71 M Maryculter, Kincardine, Scotland Rel: Head occ: Farmer Of 120 Acres 80 Arable Employs 2 Men 2 Girls 1 Boy
      lsabella SILVER M, aged 53 F Strachan, Kincardine, Scotland Rel: Wife
      Hellen SILVER U, aged 28 F Maryculter, Kincardine, Scotland Rel: Daur
      John SILVER U, aged 25 M Maryculter, Kincardine, Scotland Rel: Son
      Alexander SILVER U, aged 22 M Maryculter, Kincardine, Scotland Rel: Son
      lsabella SILVER U, aged 20 F Maryculter, Kincardine, Scotland Rel: Daur
      John ROBERTSON U, aged 14 M Banchory Devenick, Kincardine, Scotland Rel: Servant
    Census 1891  Harvieston, Kinneff, Kincardine, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • 1891 census for Harvieston:
      John Silver 34, head, born Maryculter
      Isabella F Silver, mother, aged 63, born, Strachan, Kincardineshire
      Alexander Silver, brother, 32 born Maryculter
      Isabella M Silver, sister, 20 born Maryculter
      Helen Stewart 16, servant, born Kinneff

    Will 1893  Harvieston, Kinneff, Kincardine, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • 23 June 1893. Inventory of the Personal Estate of the late. Isabella Falconer or Silver.
      At Stonehaven the twenty third day of June in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety three in presence of John Guthrie Smith Esquire, Advocate, Sheriff of Aberdeen Kincardine and Bailiff. Compeared John ?? Gardner, Solicitor in Stonehaven as Procurator, and gave in the inventory and oath and settlement aftercopied to be recorded in the register and inventories and kept for Kincardineshire in the sheriffdom of Aberdeen Kincardine and Bailiff in terms of law and whereof the ?? follows viz: Inventory of the personal estate wheresoever situated of Mrs Isabella Falconer or Silver residing at Harvieston in the Parish of Kinneff and county of Kincardineshire who died at Harvieston aforesaid on the twentieth day of May eighteen hundred and ninety three Scotland.
      I Personal Property. 1. Cash in the house nil. 2. Value of body clothes and other effects belonging to the deceased 2 pounds 2 shillings. 3. Debts due to the deceased by the following parties viz. (1) J and A Silver, Harvieston 220 pounds. (2) James Silver, Australia 50 pounds Total 270 pounds. Note. No interest was due or payable on these debts. 4. Ten shares of the North of Scotland Bank Limited at the price of 7 pounds 1 shilling at date of oath of inventory 70 pounds 10 shillings. Total amount of personal estate in Scotland Total 342 pounds 12 shillings
      (signed) Alex Silver, A. B. Annandale. J.P. Stonehaven this twenty second day of June eighteen hundred and ninety three. In presence of Arthur Burnett Annandale one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Kincardine. Appeared Alexander Silver, Farmer, Harvieston in the Parish of Kinneff and County of Kincardine one of the Executors of the deceased Mrs Isabella Falconer of Silver widow who resided at Harvieston aforesaid who, being solemnly sworn and examined, depones that the said Isabella Falconer or Silver died at Harvieston aforesaid domiciled in Scotland upon the twentieth day of May eighteen hundred and ninety three and left lawful issue surviving. That the deponed has entered upon the possession and management of the deceased's estate as executor nominated by her along with John Silver, farmer, Harvieston aforesaid and William Falconer, farmer, Newtonleys in the Parish of Dunnottar and county aforesaid in a settlement executed by her, upon the sixth day of May eighteen hundred and nine three which is now exhibited and signed by the deponent and the said Justice of the Peace of this date as relative hereto that the deponent does not know of any testamentary settlement or writing relative to the disposal of the deceased's personal estate or effects or any part thereof other than the said settlement. That the foregoing inventory, signed by the deponent and the said Justice of the Peace as relative hereto, is a full and complete inventory of the personal estate and effects of the said deceased Isabella Falconer of Silver wheresoever situated and belonging or due to her beneficiary at the time of her death, in as far as the same has come to the deponent's knowledge. That the deponent does not know of any money or property belong to the deceased secured by Scottish bonds or other instruments excluding executors that the said deceased had no heritable estate in this country is so far as known to the deponent. That the value at this date of the said personal estate and effect situated in Scotland including the proceeds accrued thereon down to this date is three hundred pounds and does not exceed three hundred and fifty pounds sterling. That confirmation of the said personal estate is required in favour of the deponent and the said John Silver and William Falconer. All which is truth as the deponent shall answer to God.

      Signed Alex Silver, A.D.Annandale J.P Written by John McDonald Collated by Robt Tindale Follows settlement before referred to: I, Isabella Falconer or Silver residing at Harvieston Parish of Kinneff in order to settle my affairs so as to prevent disputes there? at my death do hereby nominate and appoint my sons John Silver and Alexander Silver both farmers at Harvieston aforesaid and my brother William Falconer, farmer, Newtonleys parish of Dunnotar and the survivor and acceptor or survivors and acceptors of these to be my trustees and executors with the usual powers and I hereby leave and bequeath the following legacies and bequests to: First, to my daughter Isabella Menzies Silver and her heirs the sum of one hundred pounds sterling, the ten shares of the capital stock of the North of Scotland Bank Limited belonging to me and such articles of household furniture as may belong to me in the house at Harvieston or elsewhere at the time of my death;
      Second, to my son James Silver presently in Australia and his heirs the sum of twenty pounds sterling and in addition hereto I will him or if he dies before me I wish his heirs to be allowed to retain as a further legacy if not repaid to me the sum of fifty pounds sterling which he received in loan form me by the hands of my foresaid sons John Silver and Alexander Silver; Third, to my daughter Helen Silver or Duncan her heirs the sum of twenty pounds sterling; fourth to my sister Elspet Falconer residing at Newtonleys aforesaid the sum of ten pounds sterling, fifth, to my brother Alexander Falconer residing at Newtonleys aforesaid the sum of five pounds sterling; sixth, to my grand daughter Isabella Margaret Duncan the sum of five pounds sterling; seventh to my grand-daughter Hannah Watt Duncan the sum of five pound sterling; eight, to Elspet Bell residing at Newtonleys aforesaid the sum of five pounds sterling; ninth to George Milne residing at Sawmill, Deeside parish of Durris the sum of five pounds sterling
      and I leave and bequeath the residue of my means and estate to my aforesaid sons John Silver and Alexander Silver equally between them share and share alike and their respective heirs. In witness whereof these presents written upon this and the proceeding page of paper by Arthur Barnett Annandale, Bank Agent, Stonehaven are subscribed by me at Harvieston aforesaid before these witnesses Garden Douglas, horseman?, and James Wilson, farm servant, both at Harvieston, aforesaid upon the sixth day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety three - declaring that the word page being the tenth word of the first or top line of this page was deleted before these present were signed by me signed Isabella Silver, Garden Douglas, horseman, Harvieston, witness, James Wilson, farm servant, Harvieston, witness. Stonehaven 22 June 1893 the foregoing is the settlement referred to in my deposition of this date to the inventory of the personal estate of the late Isabella Falconer or Silver before designed signed Alex Silver .A.B. Annandale J P. Written by John McDonald. Collated by Robt Tindale.
    _FGRAVE 142183121 
    Death 20 May 1893  Harvieston, Kinneff, Kincardine, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Extract of death certificate. 1893 Kinneff and Catterline 262 5. Isabella Silver aged 65 widow of Alexander Silver, farmer. Died 20th May, 1893 at 1h 5m am. at Harvieston, Kinneff. Father: Alexander Falconer, farmer decd. Mother Jessie Falconer ms. Menzies decd. Cause: Carcinoma of Stomach - 3 months as certified by James Aymer M.B. & C.M. Informant: John Silver, son, present. Registered May 23rd at Kinneff. James B. Calder, Registrar

      Transcript of funeral card sent to Isobella's son James Silver in Australia

      Our Mother died here this morning at One o'clock. The funeral will take place on Wednesday first, the 24th inst., at Eleven o'clock forenoon to the Old Churchyard of Maryculter when the favour of your company is requested. We are , Yours respectfully, John and Alexander Silver. Harvieston, Kinneff. 20th May, 1893. It is expected that the Funeral will arrive at Maryculter about two o'clock and friends may join on the way.
    Burial 24 May 1893  Old Churchyard, Maryculter. Details from death notice Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • In the Templars Graveyard, Maryculter, there is a headstone which reads thus:
      Erected by Alex Silver in memory of his father John Silver who died 6th (7th on death cert) Oct 1865 aged 86. his mother Helen Gordon who died 20 march 1850 aged 68. His daughter Janet who died 12 Jan 1865 aged 1 month. Also the above Alexander Silver who died at Crossley the 11th day of April 1882 aged 72 years.
      and his wife Isabella Falconer --(rest is under the ground).

      Maryculter OPR
      John Silver died 6/10/1865 husband of Helen Gordon who died 20/3/1850
    Person ID I1406  Warren Nunn's family tree
    Last Modified 28 Dec 2021 

    Father Alexander FALCONER,   b. 12 May 1791, Banff, Banffshire, Scotland, UK Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Jul 1837, South Crossley, Fetteresso, Scotland, UK Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 46 years) 
    Mother Janet MENZIES,   b. 22 Jan 1804, Kincardine O'Neil, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 26 Dec 1891, Newtonleys, Dunnottar, Kincardine, Scotland, UK Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 87 years) 
    Marriage 2 Sep 1821  Strachan, Kincardine, Scotland, UK Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Scotland, Select Marriages, 1561-1910
      Name: Alexander Falconer Gender: Male Marriage Date: 2 Sep 1821 Marriage Place: Strachan, Kincardine, Scotland
      Spouse: Janet Menzies

      OPR marriages 268/00300144 for Strachan, Kincardine: Falconer and Menzies
      2 September 1821: Alexander Falconer and Janet Menzies both in this parish contracted.

    Family ID F366  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Alexander SILVER,   b. 14 Nov 1809, Standing Stones, Maryculter, Kincardine, Scotland, UK Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 14 Apr 1882, Crossley, Fetteresso, Kincardine, Scotland, UK Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 72 years) 
    Marriage 11 Dec 1851  Maryculter, Kincardine, Scotland, UK Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Maryculter marriages 1851: Silver and Falconer. Alexander Silver in this parish and Isobel Falconer in the parish of Fetterresso were matrimonially contracted on the 28th November 1851 and after proclamation of banns were married on the 11th December 1851 by the Rev John Bowen, in presence of witnesses.
     1. Hellen SILVER,   b. 24 Sep 1852, Maryculter, Kincardine, Scotland, UK Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 11 Mar 1915, Red Lion Inn, Chelwood Gate, Uckfield, Sussex, England, UK Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 62 years)
     2. Janet SILVER,   b. 20 Dec 1854, Burnside, Maryculter, Scotland, UK Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 13 Jan 1855, Burnside, Maryculter, Scotland, UK Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 0 years)
     3. John SILVER,   b. 6 Apr 1856, Maryculter, Kincardine, Scotland, UK Find all individuals with events at this locationd. UNKNOWN
     4. Alexander SILVER,   b. 30 May 1858, Burnside, Maryculter, Kincardine, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 19 Aug 1907, Kinneff, Kincardineshire, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 49 years)
     5. Isabella Menzies SILVER,   b. 20 May 1860, Maryculter, Kincardine, Scotland, UK Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 11 May 1934, Royal Mental Hospital, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 73 years)
     6. James SILVER,   b. 30 Apr 1863, Burnside, Kincardineshire, Scotland, UK Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 18 Apr 1949, General Hospital,Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 85 years)
    Family ID F367  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 4 Jan 2025 

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    Silver family at Harvieston