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- Australia Marriage Index, 1788-1950: Name: George Nunn Spouse Name: Jane Scarborough Marriage Date: 15 Aug 1900 Marriage Place: Queensland Registration Place: Queensland Registration Year: 1900 Registration number: 001788 Page Number: 19436
Queensland historical index: 1900/C001788
MARRIAGE. NUNN-SCARBOBOUGH.-On the 15th of August, at the residence of Mr. A. E. Wilson, Dinmore, by the Rev. J. Adamson, of Ipswich, George, third son of the late David Nunn, of Dinmore, to Jane, fourth daughter of the late Charles Scarborough, of Bundamba.
Family Notices. (1900, August 23). Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald & General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), p. 4. Retrieved October 5, 2013, from
A very pretty and interesting wedding (some missing word/s), (writes our Dinmore correspondent), here on Wednesday week, at the residence of Mr. Arthur E. Wilson, the contracting parties being Mr George Nunn, third son of Mrs and Mr D. Nunn, sen, of Dinmore and Miss Jane Scarborough, fourth daughter of the late Mr Charles Scarborough, of Bundamba.
The ceremony was performed in the afternoon at 3.30 o'clock (in the presence of quite an interested assemblage of invited guests), the Rev. J. Adamson, of Ipswich, being the celebrant.
The bride was tastefully attired in a handsome costume of pearl lustre, with pearl trimmings, and the usual wreath of orange blossoms.
She was attended by the Misses Edith, Jessie, and Ida Wilson, and Miss Lily Scarborough (all nieces of the bride).
The three first-named wore costume of hail-stone muselin lined with blue, and Miss L. Scarborough appeared in a dress of pale blue cashmere.
Mr. C. Scarborough, of Brisbane, (brother of the bride), gave the bride away. The bridegroom was attended by Messrs. A., C., and R. Wilson.
After the ceremony, the wedding breakfast was served in the large kitchen of Mr. Wilson's residence, where about 70 guests sat down to well-filled tables, and full justice was done to the capital fare provided.
A goodly number of guests arrived later on in the evening, and a very enjoyable time was spent by all assembled, games, dancing and singing, being thoroughly enjoyed until the small hours of the morning.
The presents were numerous, and, in the majority of instances, they were costly and also useful.
ORANGE BLOSSOMS. (1900, August 23). Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), p. 3. Retrieved May 8, 2014, from