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- The marriage of Miss Florence May Arnold, daughter of Mr. G. F. Arnold, of Blackwater, and Mr. Alexander Campbell, also of Blackwater, was celebrated at the residence of the bride's father on the 25th of March. The Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Queensland, the Right Rev. T. W. Smythe, officiated. The bride was given away by her father. The bridesmaids were Misses Maud Arnold and Annie Wey. The bridegroom was supported by Messrs. E. A. and F. Arnold. A large number of guests afterwards sat down to breakfast. The usual toasts were honoured. All joined in wishing the newly-married couple happiness and prosperity. The wedding present were numerous and valuable. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell left later for Brisbane, where the honeymoon is being spent.The Bluff, 2nd April, 1914.THE BLUFF. (1914, April 7). Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved January 1, 2013, from