Canvas Town burials
The following information was drawn from the public record ( as well as a privately compiled document titled Gogango District Cemeteries Burials and Monumental Descriptions.
The late Jim Dobbs, who farmed at Boolburra west of Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia, gave me the document. Where I’ve been able to identify the location of cemeteries, I have included a map reference.
The information may be useful to family researchers but comes with the warning that there may be errors and omissions as well as incomplete details. In some cases I have added newspaper references that support burial details.
Canvas Town details follow:
Death registration: Charles Cript Death date: 25/02/1864 Mother’s name:- Father/parent’s name:- Registration details: 1864/C/554
Death registration: Esther Olzard Death date: 04/03/1867 Mother’s name: Harriet Sarah Gadd Father/parent’s name: Joseph Olzard Registration details: 1867/C/736 Birth registration: Esther Olzard Birth date: 07/11/1865 Mother’s name: Harriet Sarah Gadd Father/parent’s name: Joseph Olzard Registration details: 1865/C/1298
Death registration: Henry Charles Hyland Death date: 23/05/1872 Mother’s name: Mary Ann Davis Father/parent’s name: Henry Hyland Registration details: 1872/C/957 Birth registration: Henry Charles Hyland Birth date: 04/11/1870 Mother’s name: Mary – Father/parent’s name: Henry Hyland Registration details: 1870/M/609
Death registration: Robert Biddell Death date: 26/01/1873 Mother’s name: Julia Palmer Father/parent’s name: Robert Biddell Registration details: 1873/C/1022 Birth registration: Robert Biddell Birth date: 23/03/1872 Mother’s name: Julia Palmer Father/parent’s name: Robert Biddell Registration details: 1872/C/2455
Death registration: Elizabeth Beattie Death date: 25/03/1873 Mother’s name: Mary Fields Father/parent’s name: Joseph Beattie Registration details: 1873/C/1050
Death registration: John Edwards Death date: 10/06/1873 Mother’s name: Amy Hemson Father/parent’s name: Joseph Edwards Registration details: 1873/C/1095 Birth registration: John Edwards Birth date: 10/06/1873 Mother’s name: Amy Hewson Father/parent’s name: Joseph Edwards Registration details: 1873/C/2807
Death registration: William Caton Death date: 13/02/1874 Mother’s name: Elizabeth Ann Kanell Father/parent’s name: William John Caton Registration details: 1874/C/1337
Death registration: Mary Jane Evetts Death date: 20/04/1874 Mother’s name: Anne Matthews Father/parent’s name: Thomas Evetts Registration details: 1874/C/1400
Death registration: Peter Fitzpatrick Death date: 09/06/1874 Mother’s name:- Father/parent’s name:- Registration details: 1874/C/1428
Death registration: Mary Ann Laiking Death date: 01/10/1874 Mother’s name:- Father/parent’s name:- Registration details: 1874/C/1499
Death registration: Ole Neilsen Death date: 26/12/1874 Mother’s name:- Father/parent’s name:- Registration details: 1875/C/1993
Death registration: William Waddington Death date: 03/01/1875 Mother’s name: Elizabeth Lees Father/parent’s name: William Waddington Registration details: 1875/C/2005 Birth registration: William Waddington Birth date: 08/05/1872 Mother’s name: Elizabeth Lees Father/parent’s name: William Waddington Registration details:1872/C/2525
Death registration: Catherine Hayes Death date: 18/01/1875 Mother’s name: Mary Hall Father/parent’s name: Patrick Hoban Registration details: 1875/C/2016
Death registration: Mary Anne Jackson Death date: 16/03/1875 Mother’s name: Catherine McColl Father/parent’s name: John Graham Registration details: 1875/C/2069
Death registration: Mary Jackson Death date: 25/03/1875 Mother’s name: Mary Anne Graham Father/parent’s name: John Jackson Registration details: 1875/C/2070 Birth registration: Mary Jackson Birth date: 09/03/1875 Mother’s name: Mary Ann Graham Father/parent’s name: John Jackson Registration details: 1875/C/3085
Death registration: Terence Mayne Death date: 01/05/1875 Mother’s name:- Father/parent’s name:- Registration details: 1875/C/2107
Death registration: John Edward Philippi Death date: 04/05/1875 Mother’s name: Rebecca Jackson Father/parent’s name: Gustave Philippi Registration details: 1875/C/2105 Birth registration: John Edward Philippi Birth date: 27/06/1873 Mother’s name: Rebecca Jackson Father/parent’s name: Gustave Philippi Registration details:1873/C/2870
Death registration: Robert William Duggan Death date: 20/05/1875 Mother’s name: Anne Thornton Father/parent’s name: John Duggan Registration details: 1875/C/2134 Birth registration: William Duggan Birth date: 27/09/1873 Mother’s name: Ann Thornton Father/parent’s name: John Duggan Registration details: 1873/C/2395
Death registration: Mary Bolton Death date: 10/06/1875 Mother’s name: Virginia Mary Phillips Father/parent’s name: George Bolton Registration details: 1875/C/2161 Birth registration: Mary Bolton Birth date: 03/06/1875 Mother’s name: Virginia Mary Phillips Father/parent’s name: George Bolton Registration details: 1875/C/3227
Death registration: Margaret Swan Death date: 21/06/1875 Mother’s name: Kate McDonald Father/parent’s name: Donald Campbell Registration details: 1875/C/2160
Death registration: Virginia Mary Bolton Death date: 27/06/1875 Mother’s name:- Father/parent’s name:- Registration details: 1875/C/2174
Death registration: Sarah Egan Death date: 28/06/1875 Mother’s name: Mary Brown Father/parent’s name: Patrick Egan Registration details: 1875/C/2166
Death registration: Margaret Hanrahan Death date: 31/12/1875 Mother’s name: Elizabeth Annie Trant Father/parent’s name: Michael Hanrahan Registration details: 1876/C/1926 Birth registration: Margaret Hanrahan Birth date: 16/11/1875 Mother’s name: Elizabeth Anne Trant Father/parent’s name: Michael Hanrahan Registration details: 1875/C/3493
Death registration: Thomas Evitts Death date: 01/01/1876 Mother’s name: Jane Lee Father/parent’s name: John Evitts Registration details: 1876/C/1911
Death registration: Charles Harvey Death date: 06/06/1876 Mother’s name: Margaret Brandon Father/parent’s name: Geo. Harvey Registration details: 1876/C/1181
Death registration: Richard Lear Death date: 06/10/1877 Mother’s name:- England Father/parent’s name:- Registration details: 1877/C/1284
Death registration: Elizabeth Wheeler Death date: 16/01/1878 Mother’s name: Elizabeth Connell Father/parent’s name: Peter Wheeler Registration details: 1878/C/1556 Birth registration: Elizabeth Wheeler Birth date: 16/01/1878 Mother’s name: Elizabeth Connell Father/parent’s name: Peter Wheeler Registration details: 1878/C/3064
CANVAS TOWN/DAWSON RIVER. Area known as Bimbam | |||||||
Surname | Christian name/s | Death date | Burial | Age | Parents/notes | ref | Location |
CRIPT | Charles | 05/02/1864 | 25/02/1864 | 1864/C/554 | Possibly Bimbam, Duaringa side of Dawson River railway bridge | ||
OLZARD | Esther | 04/03/1867 | 04/03/1867 | 16 mths | Joseph/Harriet Sarah Gadd | 1867/C/736 | |
HYLAND | Henry Charles | 23/05/1872 | 24/01/1872 | 1 | Henry/Mary Ann Davis | 1872/C/957 | |
BIDDELL | Robert | 26/01/1873 | 27/01/1873 | 10 mths | Robert/Julia Palmer | 1873/C/1022 | |
BEATTIE | Elizabeth | 25/03/1873 | 26/03/1873 | 8 mths | Joseph/Mary Fields | 1873/C/1050 | |
EDWARDS | John | 10/06/1873 | 10/06/1873 | 6 hrs | Joseph/Amy Hemson | 1873/C/1095 | |
CATON | William | 13/02/1874 | 14/02/1874 | 27 | William John/Elizabeth Ann Kanell | 1874/C/1337 | |
EVETTS | Mary Jane | 20/04/1874 | 21/04/1874 | 1 | Thomas/Anne Matthews | 1874/C/1400 | |
FITZPATRICK | Peter | 09/06/1874 | 10/06/1874 | 30 | 1874/C/1428 | ||
LAIKING | Mary Ann | 01/10/1874 | 01/10/1874 | 42 | 1874/C/1499 | ||
NEILSEN | Ole | 26/12/1874 | 26/12/1874 | 26 | 1875/C/1993 | ||
WADDINGTON | William | 03/01/1875 | 03/01/1875 | 2 | William/Elizabeth Lees | 1875/C/2005 | |
HAYES | Catherine | 18/01/1875 | 18/01/1875 | 24 | Patrick Hoban/Mary Hall | 1875/C/2016 | |
JACKSON | Anne | 16/03/1875 | 17/03/1875 | 21 | John Graham/Catherine McColl | 1875/C/2069 | |
ANDREWS | Robert | 25/03/1875 | 59 | 1875/C/2077 (possible) | |||
JACKSON | Mary | 25/03/1875 | 25/03/1875 | 16 days | John/Mary Ann Graham | 1875/C/2070 | |
MAYNE | Terence | 01/05/1875 | 01/05/1875 | 40 | 1875/C/2107 | ||
PHILIPPI | John Edward | 04/05/1875 | 04/05/1875 | 1 | Gustave/Rebecca Jackson | 1875/C/2105 | |
DUGGAN | Robert William | 20/05/1875 | 20/05/1875 | 1 | John/Anne Thornton | 1875/C/2134 | |
BOLTON | Mary | 10/06/1875 | 11/06/1875 | 7 days | George/Virginia Mary Phillips | 1875/C/2161 | |
SWAN | Margaret | 21/06/1875 | 21/06/1875 | 28 | Donald Campbell/Kate McDonald | 1875/C/2160 | |
BOLTON | Virginia Mary | 27/06/1875 | 27/06/1875 | 28 | 1875/C/2174 | ||
EGAN | Sarah | 28/06/1875 | 29/06/1875 | 6 days | Patrick/Mary Brown | 1875/C/2166 | |
HANRAHAN | Margaret | 01/01/1876 | 6 wks | Michael/Elizabeth Ann Trant | 1876/C/1926 | ||
EVITTS | Thomas | 01/01/1876 | 02/01/1876 | 36 | John/Jane Lee | 1876/C/1911 | |
HARVEY | Charles | 06/06/1876 | 06/06/1876 | 1 | George/Margaret Brandon | 1876/C/1181 | |
LEAR | Richard | 06/10/1877 | 07/10/1877 | 1877/C/1284 | |||
WHEELER | Elizabeth | 16/01/1878 | 17/01/1878 | 2 days | Peter/Elizabeth Connell | 1878/C/1556 |
Many people were flood victims in 1875. See this newspaper article and this report