5 June 1882 Inventory of the personal estate of the late Alexander Silver.
At Stonehaven the fifth day of June in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty two, in presence of john Guthrie Smith Esquire Advocate, Sheriff of Aberdeen Kincardine and Bailiff Compeared John Silver, residing at Crossleys, Fetteresso, Kincardineshire, and gave in the inventory of the personal estate of the deceased Alexander Silver and oath thereon underwritten desiring that the same might be inserted and registered in the Sheriff Court Books of Kincardineshire in the Sheriffdom of Aberdeen Kincardine and Banff. Which desire the said Sheriff found reasonable and ordained the same to be done accordingly and of which inventory and oath the tenor follows viz:-
Inventory of the personal estate wheresoever situated, of Alexander Silver, farmer, Crossleys, Fetteresso in the County of Kincardine, who died at Crossleys aforesaid on the 14th day of April, 1882 Scotland.
Personal Property
- Cash in the house
13 pounds - Household furniture and other effects in the deceased’s house, conform to appraisement
31 pounds 11 shillings 4 pence - Farm stocking and other effects belonging to deceased, conform to appraisement
344 pounds 4 shillings - Balance due to the deceased on an account current with the Bank of Scotland, Aberdeen, as at 14 April 1882
13 pounds 14 shillings seven pence
and interest thereon to date of oath to inventory
3 shillings three pence
total 13 pounds 17 shillings 10 pence - Sum due to the deceased on deposit receipt of the Bank of Scotland Aberdeen date 22 February 1882
250 pounds
and interest thereon to date of oath to inventory
1 pound 12 shillings 2 pence
total 251 pounds 12 shillings 2 pence - Balance due to the deceased on account current with the National Security Savings Bank, Stonehaven
109 pounds
and interest thereon from 20 Nov 1881 to date of oath to inventory
1 pound 11 shillings 9 pence
Total 110 pounds 11 shillings 9 pence - Debts due to the deceased upon the following documents
1. Bond by the Lord Provost Magistrates and Town Council of the Burgh of Aberdeen dated 31st Oct 1874
500 pounds
Half year’s interest thereon to whits 1882 less Ine? Lax? 4/2
9 pounds 15 shillings 10 pence
Interest from Whits 1882 to date of oath to inventory at 4p.cent
18 shillings 8 pence
Total 510 pounds 14 shillings 6 pence
2. Promissory note at 1d/d by Alexander Falconer, South Crossleys to deceased dated 12 July 1881
18 pounds
Interest thereon to date of oath to inventory
12 shillings 9 pence
Total 29 pounds 7 shillings 3 pence - Book debts due to the deceased by the following parties:-
1. James Young, South Rothwick Cookney
6 pounds 17 shillings 6 pence
2. R.I.Kinlock leg of pork
6 pounds 17 shillings 5 pence
3. James Silver, Moss-side Blairs
2 pounds 4 shillings
4. Adam Teys, Altries Cottage Maryculter
2 pounds 4 shillings
5. John Merchant, Mill of Elsick
5 pounds 15 shillings 6 pence
6. James Milne, Balnagals, Netherley
1 pound
7. William Anderson, Parkhead
7 pounds 15 shillings
8. John Silver, Crossley
11 pounds 19 shillings 6 pence
Total 44 pounds 12 shillings 11 pence
No estate in England or Ireland 1338 pounds 17 shillings 3 pence
Schedule of debts due and owing from the deceased at the time of his death to persons resident in the United Kingdom and funeral expenses.
- A I Kinloch Esq of Park one year rent of farm viz: for second half of crop 1881 and first half of crop 1882 due Marts 1881 and Whits 1882
90 pounds - Servants wages for ½ year to Whits 1882
34 pounds 10 shillings - William Smith, New Main, Urie
5 pounds - James Littlejohn, Green, Aberdeen
1 pound 12 shillings 2 pence - William Anderson, Parkhead
3 pounds - Gilcomston Brewery Co, Aberdeen
8 shillings 9 pence - John Merchant Mill of Elsick
8 pence - Alexr Wilson, Muchals
7 shillings 6 pence - David Douglas, Bankhillock, Portlethen
11 shillings 3 pence - Dr Urquhart, Aberdeen
3 pounds 9 shillings 6 pence - Dr W.A.Miche, Cove
3 pounds - Davidson & Kay, Aberdeen
1 shilling 7 pence - James Young, South Rothwick
2 pounds 7 shillings 2 pence - James Easton, Blacksmith
1 pound 15 shillings 5 pence
Total 146 pounds 4 shillings
Funeral expenses
1. James Troup, Carpenter for coffin
4 pounds
2. Duncan Campbell for hearse
2 pounds 12 shillings 6 pence
3. Pratt & Keith, grave clothes
2 pounds 5 shillings
4. Grave digger & printer & other expenses
2 pounds 17 shillings 10 pence
sub total 12 pounds 3 shillings 4 pounds
Total 158 pounds 7 shillings 4 pence
Total amount of personal estate as per foregoing inventory
1338 pounds 17 shillings 3 pence
Amount of debts and funeral expenses as per schedule
158 pounds 7 shillings 4 pence
Nett value of personal estate chargeable with duty
1180 pounds 9 shillings 11 pence
Signed John Silver, John C Thomson S.C.D at Stonehaven the first day of June one thousand eight hundred and eighty two. In presence of John Craig Thomas, Sheriff Clerk Depute of Kincardineshire. Appeared John Silver residing at Crossleys, Fetteresso, Kincardineshire, Executor of the deceased Alexander Silver, farmer, Crossleys, Fetteresso, Kincardineshire, who being solemnly sworn and examined depones, that the said Alexander Silver died at Crossleys aforesaid domiciled at Crossleys upon the fourteenth day of April eighteen hundred and eighty two – and the deponent has entered upon the possession and management of his personal or moveable estate as executor dative quo of the next of kin to the said Alexander Silver. That the deponent knows of no testamentary settlement or other writing left by the deceased relative to the disposal of his personal estate or effects, or any part thereof. That the foregoing inventory signed by the deponent and the said Sheriff Clerk Depute as relative hereto is a full and complete inventory of the personal estate and effects of the said deceased Alexander Silver wheresoever situated, and belonging or due to him beneficially at the time of his death, in so far as the same has come to the deponent’s knowledge. That the said deceased was due and owing at the time of his death to persons resident in the United Kingdom, the debts enumerated in the foregoing schedule amount to one hundred and fifty eight pounds seven shillings and fourpence. That the nett value at this date of the said personal estate and effects situated in Scotland, including the proceeds accrued thereon to this date, and after deducting the amount of the said debts and funeral expenses, is eleven hundred pounds sterling and does not exceed twelve hundred pounds sterling. That confirmation of the said personal estate is required in favour of the said deponent. All which is true, as the deponent shall answer to God. Signed John Silver, John C. Thomson, Sheriff Clerk Depute.
Written by John McDonald
Collated by John Thomson.