In correspondence from James Murray Silver, he refers to a letter that mentions the Harvieston Silvers:
There is an interesting reference in a letter written by Geo. Robertson (b. 1894, a grandson of my aunt Isabella Robertson nee Silver), to our common cousin, James Silver (b. 1890) of Atlanta, as follows:
When Alex died, John came to visit my mother on departure to Australia, probably with his nephew Alex [NOTE: This Alex died in 1915 in WW1 and John went to Australia in 1920, so perhaps George means James, or cousin Jim, who also went to Australia]. (nothing more ever heard of them).
James was a joiner and went to Australia [NOTE: In 1890] as also did the third son, James, of Alex (above) who, just about 1919 followed his uncle Jim out to Australia.
I hope this is clear. Isa Silver above, you see, had the same name exactly as my mother. She remained single a long time but lately married an old forrester named Duncan of Banchory.
Now Alex and John after doing well dropped back by, having too successful a time, did, I think, become too fond of a dram. I remember at our grandpa’s funeral they arrived at Sunnyside in a coach and horses.
And believe me, few farmers at that time (about 1902) possessed such luxuries. I then was 7 or 8 yrs. and had walked 5 miles to Sunnyside.
And then walked to the church yard (two miles)– got so tired walking behind the cortage that I sat down at the side of the road in a ditch — in fact, went on strike.
The Silver coach or carriage drew up beside me and took me aboard. This was my first experience of traveling in state!
Some of the Silvers ‘were nae sma drink’ you can see.”