19th October 1865 inventory of the personal estate of John Silver and testament executed by him.
At Stonehaven the nineteenth day of October in the year of one thousand eight hundred and sixty five. In presence of Alexander Burns Shand, esquire, Advocate Commissary of the Commissariat of Kincardineshire, Compearer Charles Graham Monro, Writer, in Stonehaven as Procurator and gave in the inventory of the personal estate of the deceased John Silver and oath thereon underwritten, desiring that the same might be inserted and registered in the Commissary Court Books of said shire, along with a testament executed by the said deceased, which the said Commissary found reasonable and ordained the same to be done accordingly, and of which inventory the tenor follow viz. Inventory of the personal estate wheresoever situated of John Silver residing at Burnside of Maryculter, county of Kincardine, who died at Burnside on the seventh day of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty five.
1. Cash in the house £4/-/6
2. Household and other effects belong to deceased per inventory and valuation of James Keith licensed auctioneer £15/16/6
3. Cash due by the treasurer of Aberdeen per promissory note dated 17 June 1859 at 12 months date of £500 of principal and £17/10/- of interest. Principal interest from 20 June 1864 to date of death £27/19/4 less property tax -/12/7 £27/6/9
Interest to date of oath to inventory lessor -/11/1
4. Cash due by the National Bank of Scotland per deposit. Receipt granted by the agent at their Aberdeen Branch dated 1st July
1864 £500
Interest thereon to date of death £23/16/-
Interest to date of oath and inventory -/7/4 £24/3/4
5. Cash due by the Aberdeen Town and Country Bank per deposit. Receipt granted by their manager dated 1st July 1864 – £233
Interest as in Number 4 £11/1/10
do -/3/5 £11/5/3
6. Cash due by the Bank of Scotland per deposit. Receipt granted by the agent at their Aberdeen Branch dated 1st July 1864 £280
Interest as in Number 4 £13/6/7
do -/4/2 £13/10/9
7. Cash due by Joseph Jamieson in Burnhead, Kingcaussie per acknowledgement of 5 July 1858 = £3 desperate and irrecoverable the debtor being a pauper.
Amount of personal estate in Scotland, England and Ireland £1609/14/2
Aberdeen 18th October 1865. The above is the inventory of the personal estate of John Silver referred to by me in the annexed affidavit emitted by one of this date. (signed) Alex Silver. Al. Chivas, JP, Aberdeen, the eighteenth day of October one thousand eight hundred and sixty five years in presence of Alexander Chivas, one of Her Majesty’s justices of the peace for the county of Aberdeen compeared Alexander Silver at Burnside of Maryculter who being solemnly sworn and examined depones. That John Silver residing at Burnside of Maryculter the deponent’s father died at Burnside on the seventh day of October current and the deponent has entered upon the possession and management of the deceased’s estate as sole executor nominated to him in and by his last will and testament dated the first day of July one thousand eight hundred and sixty four now exhibited and signed by the deponent and the said justice of peace as relative hereto. That the deponent does not know of any testamentory settlement or writing relative to the disposal of the deceased’s personal estate and effects or any part thereof other than that now exhibited. That the foregoing inventory signed by the deponent and the said justice of peace as relative hereto is a full and complete inventory of the personal estate and effects of the said deceased John Silver wheresoever situated and belonging or due to him beneficially at the time of his death in so far as the same has come to the deponents’ knowledge. That the deponent does not know of any money or property belong to the deceased liable to the duty imposed by the Acts 23rd Victoria chapter 15 and 23rd and 24th Victoria chapter 80. That the value of this date of the said personal estate and effects situated in the United Kingdom including the proceeds accrued thereon down to this date is one thousand six hundred pounds and under two thousand pounds sterling. That confirmation of the said personal estate is required in favour of the deponent. All which is truth as the deponent shall answer to God.
(Signed) Alex Silver, Al. Chivas, JP. Written by Alex G Munro Collated by Jas Christian.
Follows testament before mentioned. I John Silver residing at Burnside of Maryculter being resolved to settle my affairs as to prevent all disputes thereanent after my decease do make my last will and testament as follows viz. I nominated and appoint Alexander Silver at Burnside of Maryculter my son to be my sole executor and intromitter with my whole moveable and personal estate and effects of every kind with all the powers competent to an executor by law but in trust always for the uses, ends and purpose underwritten. I approve him to make payment of all my just and lawful debts funeral charges and expenses and of the expenses of executing this trust and as to the whole free remainder and residue I leave and bequeath one just and equal half thereof to the said Alexander Silver which he will retain in his own hands and as to the other half thereof I appoint my said executor to pay and divide the same equally between Jean Silver my daughter spouse of David Bisset at Eastside of Maryculter and Helen Silver my daughter spouse of Alexander Esson at Greens of Crynach share and share alike and that as soon after my decease as my said executor can conveniently arrange to do so and in case of the death of either of my said daughters before receiving her share such share shall fall and be paid to her children equally among them, and this I declare to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have subscribed those present written upon the first page of this sheet of paper by Alexander Chivas advocate in Aberdeen at Aberdeen the first day of July One thousand eight hundred and sixty four before these witnesses John Scott accountant in Aberdeen and the said Alexander Chivas written hereof. (Signed) john Silver
J Scott witness A Chivas witness Aberdeen 18th October 1865 What is written on the preceding page is the last will and testament of John Silver referred to in the affidavit emitted by one of this date relative to the inventory of his personal estate (signed) Alex Silver Al Chivas. Written by Alex Munro Collated by Jas Christian