Suffolk Nunns
David and Rachel Nunn came to Queensland, Australia in 1858 and settled at Dinmore, near Ipswich.
They raised 12 children (nine sons, three daughters) and about 1500 individuals both living and dead descend from that union.
James Coker and Emily Lee left London for Rockhampton, Queensland, in 1870. There they raised 10 children.
William Cooper and Eleanor Evans left the UK in 1886 and settled in Rockhampton, where they raised five children.
Henry Aldridge left Hertfordshire, England and came to Brisbane, Australia in 1859. He married Harriet Phillips.
Emma Coker
Emily Helen Sophia Aldridge (Emma Coker) is my maternal great grandmother. She lived at Kabra, near Rockhampton.
James Silver and Janet Todd left Scotland in 1890 for Queensland where they married in Brisbane.
David and Mary Campbell left Scotland and arrived in Brisbane, Australia in 1883. She died soon after.
William Dobbs and Ann Jackson came to Queensland in 1888. Their son Charles adopted my grandfather John Alexis Dobbs Coker (known as Alex Dobbs).
Bella Dobbs
Margaret Isabella Silver (Bella Dobbs), is my maternal grandmother. She was a schoolteacher.
Nunn family tree
Warren Nunn’s research into both paternal and maternal families focusing on the Nunn surname in Suffolk, England as well as Scottish ancestors.

I’ll Show You Gold
The account of an ancestor who shocked royalty in Australia’s golden years is now in print. It’s also available on Kindle.

Australia is the property of our Creator and Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, Who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit from eternity to eternity. This and every land on earth is His exclusive possession; it always was His; and it always will be His. He has chosen the times and habitations of every generation on earth. There were many others in this country before us, and there may be many more to follow us, and we will all be the property of the same Creator, one God in three Persons for eternity.