- WEDDING. GEDDES-NUNN. A very pretty wedding, and one of much interest to a large circle of friends, was solemnised at the Ellenborough-street Methodist Church, Ipswich, on Wednesday, October 3. The bridegroom was Mr. Herbert L. M. Geddes, third eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Geddes, "Laskard," Pine-street, Wynnum South, and the bride Miss Vera May Nunn, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Nunn, "Ipsie Frost," River-road, Dinmore. Rev. H. M. Wheller officiated. The church was prettily decorated by girl friends of the bride, and amongst the decorations was a handsome wedding bell. Miss I. Walker (girl friend of the bride) officiated at the organ, and, whilst the register was being signed, Mrs. A. Statham (cousin of the bride) sang "Because." The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a dainty and becoming wedding frock of pussy willow crepe de chine, with georgette sleeves, and made in long waisted effect, embroidered with bugle beads, finished at the waist with swathe belt and beaded panels. Her beautifully embroidered tulle veil (which was kindly lent by Mrs. J. H. Banks, West Burleigh) was arranged in a Dutch cap style, and embroidered with pearls. The bride carried a shower bouquet of watsonias lilies, and carnations. Misses Emily and Myrtle Nunn (sisters of the bride) acted as bridesmaids. The former wore a handsome frock of pale blue georgette, beaded in moonlight beads, and finished at waist with hand made flowers of contrasting shades. She also wore a becoming hat of white crinoline and visca straw, trimmed with flowers and ends of ribbon, and carried a bouquet to harmonise. The latter wore a dainty frock of white crepe de chine, long waisted effect, and was prettily beaded. Her hat was of cream net, trimmed with pale pink ribbon and ends. She also carried an early Victorian bouquet to harmonise. Mr. F. H. Geddes (brother of the bridegroom) carried out the duties of best man. After the ceremony, the bridal party motored to Whitehouse's Cafe, where the wedding breakfast was held. Near relations of the bride and bridegroom and very old friends were present. The tables were very beautifully decorated, and the centre of the bride's table was ornamented with a two-tier wedding cake. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a gold expanding wristlet watch, and to the bridesmaids gold armlets. The brides gift to the bridegroom was a gold signet ring. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Geddes left Ipswich for Toowoomba, en route for Sydney, where the honeymoon was spent. Mrs. H. L. Geddes wore a travelling frock of wedgewood blue morocain, with a grey hat to harmonise.
WEDDING. (1923, October 24). Queensland Times (Ipswich) (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 9 Edition: DAILY.. Retrieved May 8, 2014, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article125408899
- Report in Brisbane Courier Saturday 27 October 1923 on P22
Qld State Library marriage ref: 1923/002990